Wednesday, November 7, 2007

God… Are you sure?

I am convinced that I have the greatest wife God ever could have given to me. Permit me to boast for a minute…

Not only is she working full-time for a Christian company so that her husband can study and go to seminary, but she also is counseling three women currently. This counseling also includes preparing the homework for the counselee and preparing the lesson that they are going to cover each session. Furthermore, she is teaching the women’s bible study at our church on Tuesday nights going through Biblical Counseling and idols of the heart. Finally (and just a “small” thing), she is currently writing her Master’s Thesis on “Self-Mutilation” for her Masters in Biblical Counseling degree from the Master’s College.

With all that to say, she still cares for me and makes me tea and coffee and French toast in the mornings when I’m sick! So, I think to myself, I must be one truly blessed guy. Then I pray to the Lord… God… are you sure you wanted to give me such a servant?

But I’m grateful He did. Soli Deo Gloria.