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Showing posts from August, 2014

Call Sinners to Respond to the Gospel!

CALL SINNERS TO RESPOND TO THE GOSPEL! Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Someone once said that Christians should learn to plead with sinners to embrace Christ and escape hell. A child of God could faithfully give the gospel, speak of God and His character, man and His desperate need, Christ and His sufficient atonement, repentance and faith in clear terms, but one element that evangelists seem to omit is the urgent call for sinners to respond to the gospel! Paul said that he was not ashamed to beg! He pleaded with sinners to come to Christ. Whitefield loudly and lovingly wept as he urged sinners to turn to Christ and live! Spurgeon spoke of this kind of urgent pleading with frequency. The Puritan preachers spent a good deal of time in their sermons exhorting sinners to embrace Christ and follow Him. We should learn from these examples and do the same. We must call sinners to respond to the gospel. How should Christians ‘call for a response’ when speaking the gospel

"Aggressive Sanctification" — The Christ Fellowship Bible Church Summer 2014 Retreat

The CFBC Retreat is only 2 days away (Aug 15-17th)! The theme is: " Aggressive Sanctification " Here are the 4 messages: 1. "Utilizing the means of grace in sanctification: to enhance the believer's joy in God" (Lincoln VerMeer) 2. "Sanctification in all its fullness- knowledge and practice. The motivation and means for growth in godliness" (Randy Kirkland) 3. "Sanctification & the power of the tongue" (Warner Aldridge) 4. "The reality, purity & theme of heaven as a powerful motivation for pursuing sanctification" (Geoff Kirkland) The sermons will all be on the CFBC website: