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Showing posts from May, 2020

A Benefit of Open Air Preaching

A Benefit of Open-Air Preaching By Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church When the Word of God goes forth, the believers are built up, the saints are strengthened, the elect are edified.  When I arrived on site today for a lunch-hour evangelism outing, a brother from our local church was already open air preaching.  I grabbed two gospel signs and faced them back-to-back and then held them up high so all who walked and drove by could quickly see that we were all about Jesus Christ!  Not that long after, my brother who was heralding mentioned the security and preserving power of Jesus Christ toward His people.  Ah! What food for my soul! What balm for my spirit! O how I needed in that moment to be reminded of the glorious theology of the preservation of the saints and the keeping power of our Sovereign!  Then, he went on to talk about coming to Jesus and being made righteous In Him. Oh to fill my heart with such truths every hour! God blessed my soul through th