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Showing posts from February, 2013

A Pastor Must Never Omit Preaching His Sermons to Himself.

Thomas Murphy writes: "It is important for [the preacher's] own sake, it is important for his people's sake, that he should preach every sermon to himself as one of the chief auditors ... even when he is addressing the [unbeliever], for their hearts and his are by nature alike, and the gulf from which he would draw them is the gulf from which he has only narrowly escaped himself." As quoted by Jerry Wragg, Exemplary Spiritual Leadership (Day One Publications, 2010), 43.

why pastors must incorporate prayer in sermon preparation.

Why Pastors Must Incorporate Prayer in Sermon Preparation Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Prayer is the single most important factor in a man’s sermon preparation and yet I fear that many neglect this preeminent element. Many are too busy. Many claim they have to work with the original languages and that simply takes a lot of time. Many work at application and spend time on the outline. And, let these not be underestimated, the preacher should work hard at all of these. However, prayer as the most supernatural and powerful part of a preacher’s sermon preparation is, shamefully, one of the most oft neglected and pushed-aside parts of sermon construction. All preachers know prayer is important. But how many really spend adequate time poring over his text on his knees before God in fervent prayer? How many pulpiteers are men of prayer during the week? How many shepherds bring their sheep before the throne of God in applying that specific sermon text to their o

Kill Your Secret Sins!

But I have here some true Christians who indulge in secret sins. They say it is but a little one, and therefore do they spare it. Dear brethren, I speak to you, and I speak to myself, when I say this—let us destroy all our little secret sins.  They are called little and if they be, let us remember that it is the foxes, even the little foxes, that spoil our vines; for our vines have tender shoots. Let us take heed of our little sins. A little sin, like a little pebble in the shoe, will make a traveller to heaven walk very wearily. Little sins, like little thieves, may open the door to greater ones outside. Christians, recollect that little sins will spoil your communion with Christ. Little sins, like little stains in silk, may damage the fine texture of fellowship; little sins, like little irregularities in the machinery, may spoil the whole fabric of your religion. The one dead fly spoileth the whole pot of ointment. That one thistle may seed a continent with noxious

Why I Believe Open-Air Preaching Is Effective

Why I Believe Open-Air Preaching Is Effective Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church I love open-air preaching.  Do I get scared? Are there times when I am tempted to fear man? Of course. But I must remind myself time and time again that it is not about me anyway; it’s all about Christ and His sufficient gospel. I want to provide a number of reasons why I personally am convinced that open-air preaching is effective. 1. Open-Air Preaching Obeys Christ’s Command to Compel Sinners to Come to Him in the Highways. In a parable, Jesus says to “go out into the highways and along the hedges, and compel them to come in, so that my house may be filled” (Luke 14:23). I believe that in my standing up in the public plazas outside where nonbelievers pass by or congregate together, I am endeavoring to follow Christ and what He spoke to His disciples. 2. Open-Air Preaching Takes the Biblical Gospel to the Pagans Who Probably Don’t Know the Biblical Gospel. Many nonbelievers think they

Avoiding Dissension in Your Marriage

Excellent biblical counsel from Richard Baxter: Both husband and wife must mortify their pride and strong self-centered feelings. These are the feelings which cause intolerance and insensitivity. You must pray and labor for a humble, meek, and quiet spirit. A proud heart is troubled and provoked by every word that seems to assault your self-esteem.   Do not forget that you are both diseased persons, full of infirmities; and therefore expect the fruit of those infirmities in each other; and do not act surprised about it, as if you had never known of it before. Decide to be patient with one another; remembering that you took one another as sinful, frail, imperfect persons, and not as angels, or as blameless and perfect.   Remember still that you are one flesh; and therefore be no more offended with the words or failings of each other, than you would be if they were your own. Be angry with your wife for her faults no more than you are angry with yourself fo

The Gospel & Marriage -- More Resources

Here are some resources for further reading on The Gospel & Marriage . 1. The Gospel and Marriage (Deepak Reju, the biblical counseling coalition) 2. Cultivating a Gospel Centered Marriage (Dave Bruskas) 3. A Missional Marriage (Geoff Kirkland) 4. The Mutual Duties of Husbands and Wives Toward Each Other (Richard Baxter) 5. Should We Get Married? (William Smith, CCEF) 6. The Mystery of Marriage (James Hamilton) 7. This Momentary Marriage (John Piper)