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Showing posts from October, 2015

Approaching the Heavenly Zion [Lessons from the Psalms of Ascent, Psalms 120-134]

APPROACHING THE HEAVENLY ZION Lessons from the Psalms of Ascent [Psalms 120-134] Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church The collection of 15 Songs of Ascent comprise a hymnal within the hymnal [Psalms 120-134]. This set of poems aided the Jewish pilgrims as they journeyed from their homes to Zion to worship the Lord, with His people, in the Temple for the three pilgrimage feasts (cf. Deut 16:16). For the New Testament people of God, we do not embark on a pilgrimage from our homeland to the Temple to worship God. But we do, however, live as strangers and aliens in this world as we journey from this world to the heavenly Zion. As the Israelites of old meditated on Scripture, sung biblical truths, and anticipated the assembling with the redeemed, so believers today can learn how to approach the heavenly Zion as we trek through life. In this essay, I will provide six reminders as to how we must approach the heavenly zion. 1. Remembrance. The Songs of Ascent served to remind

The Pilgrimage Songs: Journey On & Sing On... [The Songs of Ascent for the New Testament Christian]

“The Pilgrimage Songs: Journey On & Sing On…” The Songs of Ascent for the New Testament Christian [Psalms 120-134] Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Psalms 120-134 all have the same superscription (title): “A song of Ascents” [‏שִׁ֗יר ×”ַֽמַּ֫×¢ֲל֥וֹת; shir ha’maalot ]. Scholars have presented various viewpoints as to how ancient Israelites incorporated these psalms as they journeyed to the Zion to worship the Lord. But it seems that the best understanding is that this collection of 15 hymns comprised the devotional hymnbook for Israelites as they would journey to Zion for the three annual pilgrimage feasts (Passover, Tabernacles, and Pentecost). And as they began far away (at home) and traversed upward to Zion they would reflect on divine truth, meditate on these hymns, anticipate the community of worshipers, and long for true Shalom [peace]. But how can New Testament believers today interpret and apply these precious psalms? There is no temple for us. There

Preach As If You Would Die & Go to Heaven When You're Finished.

PREACH AS IF YOU WOULD DIE & GO TO HEAVEN WHEN YOU'RE FINISHED. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church If it were revealed to you that you were about to preach the last sermon you would ever give, how would you preach and what would you do different? 1) Preach Christ & Him crucified. Every preacher must have a central thrust and focus and centerpoint in every sermon. He must herald the Lord Jesus Christ and His redemptive work. Not every sermon is a gospel, evangelistic sermon but every message must proclaim Him. 2) Preach with the Spirit's power. The minister must beg earnestly for the Spirit of God to come upon him and anoint him with power and unction. The Spirit makes the words he utters effective. Let every man of God preach every sermon with the Spirit’s empowerment. 3) Preach God's Word faithfully. Preaching takes the Word of God and proclaims its eternal message to the hearers that have gathered so that they know what God has said and that t

What Is Worship in Heaven Like?

WHAT IS WORSHIP IN HEAVEN LIKE? Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Enhancing worship on earth would greatly increase if believers understood what worship in heaven is like. So, in this brief write-up, let us examine how the Scriptures describe heaven. Let us seek to model heaven’s worship on earth. 1. God-focused. The worship in heaven focuses on one central, dominant, and inexhaustible subject -- the person of God. The triune God is the focus of heaven and thus is the focus of all worship. If the worship in heaven is saturated with the person, work, glory and personhood of the triune God, then how much more should believers’ worship here be like that. 2. Christ-exalting. The Lamb of God, seated on His throne, receives praise, worship, adoration, honor, glory, and blessing from the vast multitude of worshipers in heaven. The Lord of glory, the risen and exalted Christ, receives worship as He sits on his sovereign throne. Heaven is Christ-exalting and it is full of de

Biblical Counseling Resources (updated 2015)

Here are some very helpful resources to inform your thinking on biblical (" nouthetic" ) counseling . INTRODUCTORY ARTICLES Is There Any Difference Between Biblical Counseling & Christian Psychology? by John MacArthur and Wayne Mack. This is a very helpful, brief, and compelling overview showing the vast differences between biblical/nouthetic counseling and the so-called Christian psychology methods. What Distinguishes Biblical Counseling from Other Methods? by David Powlison In this blog entry, Powlison shows how biblical counseling is fundamentally different than other methods because the view of God, man, sin, hope, and change are all vastly different. The Mandate for Biblical Counseling by Paul Tautges There are helpful resources here, quotes, definitions, and he draws the link (rightly so!) between discipleship and biblical counseling. What Is Biblical Counseling Anyway? by Ed Welch A very compelling treatment on the importance of defining