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Showing posts from May, 2016

Biblical Truth on Gender & Marriage Matters. An Audio-Blog Series.

BIBLICAL TRUTH ON GENDER & MARRIAGE MATTERS. An audio-blog series by Christ Fellowship Bible Church (St Louis). *May God's people be equipped with the truth & clarity of God's sufficient Word to 'speak the truth in love' to one another and to others who are outside of Christ. Stand courageously & speak confidently! Part 1 - the introduction to God's truth on such matters of gender, sexuality, identity & marriage. AUDIO: Part 2 - the truth about gender. AUDIO: Part 3 - the truth about identity. AUDIO: Part 4 - the truth about marriage. AUDIO: Part 5 - the truth about homosexuality. AUDIO: Part 6 - the truth about same-sex attraction [SSA]. AUDIO: Part 7 - the truth about grace. AUDIO: Part 8 - the truth about salvation.

What Does God Bless? An Audio-Blog Series

We endeavored to put together an audio-blog answering some of the following questions: 1. What is the kind of PREACHING God blesses 2. What is the kind of PRAYING God blesses 3. What is the kind of CHURCH God blesses 4. What is the kind of MARRIAGE God blesses 5. What is the kind of MAN God blesses  The characteristics that are explained are mentioned below with links to the audio-blogs individually. 1. Kind of PREACHING God blesses  |  AUDIO 2 Corinthians 4:13     Christ-centered preaching     biblical preaching     gospel-driven preaching     passionate (urgent) preaching     Spirit-empowered preaching 2. Kind of PRAYING God blesses   |  AUDIO Colossians 4:12     biblical     humble     urgent     evangelistic     obedient 3. Kind of CHURCH God blesses  |  AUDIO 1 Thessalonians 1:6-10     preaching Church     praying church     Pure church     persecuted church -- Christ is with His people.     proactive church (evangelism/discipleship/one a

Essentials in the Ministry of the Lord [Lessons from the Pastoral Epistles]

Essentials in the Ministry of the Lord  [Lessons from the Pastoral Epistles] Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church   I like to make it a habit to read through the Pastoral Epistles [1,2 Timothy & Titus] regularly and in one sitting so that the Spirit of God exhorts my soul with truths from Holy Scripture regarding the ministry of the Lord. I want to remain on track. I want to major on the essentials. I must prioritize what God tells me to focus on and avoid what He tells me to flee from. Today I want to highlight seven essentials in the ministry of the Lord. 1. pray The minister of the Lord who serves in the ministry of the Lord must first be a man of prayer. Paul talks about how entreaties and prayers and petitions and thanksgivings should be made by all men. And in the worship context, Paul says that the men should lead in the prayers. The first essential and the most powerful force in ministry is when the minister of the Lord prays to His God for himself, hi