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Showing posts from December, 2023

4 Safe-Guards to Win the Battle for Sexual Purity

  4 LIFE-SAVING SAFE-GUARDS FOR YOU TO WIN THE BATTLE FOR PURITY  Geoffrey R. Kirkland Pastor, Christ Fellowship Bible Church AWARE! You will not win the battle you find yourself unprepared for. And you surely will not prepare for battle if you stand aware that you’re in war! All Christians — and Christian men! — are in war. It is the war for sexual purity and the war for glorifying Christ and honoring Him with our sexuality. We live in a hyper-sexualized culture where intoxication with selfish sex in all of its forms bombards us, tempts us, lures us, and surrounds us. Christians must realize that you   are   in battle — for the glory of Christ, for the magnification of His fame. You must be aware that your enemy, Satan and his minions, wisely aims and hand-crafts temptations and fiery darts at the chinks in your armor. Be aware! You are, right now at this moment, in battle.  PREPARE!  So then, knowing that you are in battle is a necessary and vital first step. But you must prepare! I