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Showing posts from April, 2018

16 Benefits of Expository Preaching

16 Benefits of Expository Preaching Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church In what follows, I'll provide 16 benefits of expository preaching.  Expository preaching... Allows God to speak through His written Word, by His chosen mouthpiece, to all who are present. Defines the primary way that Christ promises to build His Church -- through the regular, faithful, steady, theological, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered expounding of Scripture. Feeds God’s people on the whole counsel of God. Is the primary means that the Spirit of God brings lost sinners to salvation through faith alone in Christ alone. Is the primary means through which the Spirit of God sanctifies, grows, convicts, and conforms the likeness of Christ in true believers. Upholds the absolute sufficiency, divine authority, unstoppable power, and glorious comforts found in Holy Scripture. Brings out the authorial meaning of the text that is singular, unchanging and expounded. Models for believer

Twelve Features of Biblical Preaching

Twelve Features of Biblical Preaching Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church This brief write-up will expound upon 12 features of biblical preaching. These features need to be reviewed and recovered in our day so that God’s Word will go forth with mighty thunder, in the power of the Holy Spirit, so that God may save many for the glory of Jesus Christ. 1. EXPOSITION — To exposit the biblical text refers to the teacher bringing the authorial intent out of the text of Scripture. This is the meaning of the particular text. To exposit means to dive deep in bringing the true meaning out of the text and making it plain to the hearers. 2. PRECISION — Biblical preaching must be precise. There must be clear arguments, cogent lines of reasoning and biblical supports for what is stated. The Bible is very precise. God is very precise. The gospel is very precise. The truth that saves is very precise. So our preaching should be very precise and clear. 3. DECLARATION — To preach God’

A Pastor's Responsibility to Train Men.

A Pastor’s Responsibility To Train Men Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church When I read the Pastoral Epistles, my heart reflects on the duty that God gives to shepherds to care for, train up, and multiply men of God. Truly this is God’s work ultimately. To this I wholeheartedly affirm. Nevertheless, God has entrusted all shepherds with the glorious and preeminent duty of developing leaders, instructing them in truth, and equipping them to serve Christ and His church. Here are some ways that I seek to fulfill this responsibility to train men in the local church. 1.    PRAY for MEN It’s an impossible task. I can’t bring men to the church, make them stay, or make leaders out of men. It’s an entirely impossible task that far exceeds my abilities. But I pray. I pray often and I pray hard for God to bring godly men. For me, I designate Tuesdays specifically in my morning times of meeting with God in prayer to earnestly call upon Him for men of God to rise up within our churc

When the Pastor Speaks at a Graveside Service.

When the Pastor Speaks at a Graveside Service Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church It’s a time of loss and a time when the cruel effects of sin stand visibly before our eyes, when you stand in a graveyard with the casket there ready to be lowered into the ground, what does a minister of the gospel say? With immediate family, a host of extended family members, and others who have have gathered for the occasion, how can a pastor shepherd with gentle care, proclaim biblical truth, and be unwavering in gospel-courage at such an emotional place? Here is one approach that I took recently when I spoke at a graveside ceremony. I took as my text the opening few verses of Psalm 90 on the character of God and then later on in the psalm when Moses calls us to number our days to present to God a heart of wisdom.  In this brief 5-minute message outside, at the graveside, next to the casket carrying the body of the deceased, I presented some lessons for us. I exhorted everyone presen

Fullness of Joy: Honoring God and His Sufficient Word Rightly.

Fullness of Joy: Honoring God & His Sufficient Word Rightly. The Fullness of Joy in Being a Cessationist Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church It was not too long ago that someone posed the question to John Piper about whether or not continuationists have more and greater joy than cessationists. It’s an interesting question that was given to Piper and one that he answered publicly . I read it and found myself respectfully disagreeing with him on numerous points, even to such a point that I felt it necessary to respond with a brief write-up, primarily for my own thinking and for my church family. It should be noted that this is not a central, core, gospel tenet. There are sweet brothers in Christ who differ on these viewpoints. I do believe they are very important but I believe they are not crux, central gospel tenets. John Piper is a dear brother from whom I’ve benefited greatly, so I am not disagreeing about soteriological issues but, at this point, I’m disagreei

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Guarantee, The Glory, and The Assurance

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: the Guarantee, the Glory & the Assurance. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church It is of first importance, the Apostle Paul said. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead proves to be the bedrock doctrine of the Christian faith. One cannot read the Book of Acts without noting the constant theme of the Apostle’s proclamation, namely,  the resurrection of the crucified One and salvation that comes only through His Name. This article provides some gleanings on the importance on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Resurrection is the GUARANTEE of our life. When Jesus Christ rose up from the dead, He guaranteed that all His people will in fact live eternally through Him. In Christ’s resurrection, all His people live. His bodily resurrection certifies His peoples’ future resurrection. Christ’s resurrection in glory assures His peoples’ resurrection in glory. The new body of Christ provides the template for the new bodies