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Showing posts from June, 2016

Pastoral Summer Internship at CFBC

CFBC Informal, Pastoral, Summer Internship. The Goal: To train men of God who aspire to pastoral ministry with hands-on experience and careful shepherding by CFBC’s elders. The Format: Four key elements will be emphasized: 1) EXPOSITORY PREACHING CLASS - 7 Friday nights — this will be a 7-week summer course taught by Pastor Geoff explaining some of the fundamentals of expository preaching . We don't just need more preaching today. We need more of the right kind of preaching. 2) PREACHING AT A CFBC MID-WEEK STUDY — this provides an opportunity for the man to prepare a sermon and to preach it first to pastor Geoff so as to receive feedback, ideas, and suggestions. Then, the man will be given the opportunity to teach at the mid-week church service before the corporate prayer meeting. 3) DISCUSSIONS REGARDING PASTORAL MINISTRY AND HARDSHIPS — these opportunities with pastor Geoff & the CFBC shepherd-elders will be guided with helpful discussion questions that speak to the stru

Christian! For the Joy of Your Soul & for the Glory of Christ, Practice Hospitality in Your Home.

Christian! For the Joy of your Soul & for the Glory of Christ, Practice Hospitality in Your Home Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church The New Testament provides a marvelous means of Christian growth and fellowship among the people of God: opening your home and sacrificially serving others. This is called hospitality. Believers are to practice hospitality (Romans 12:13). Furthermore, Peter writes that Christians should be hospitable to one another without complaint (1 Peter 4:9). The Scripture even requires hospitality to be a present reality and a necessary qualification for all the men of God who serve in the service of pastor-elder (1 Timothy 3:2). Since God out of His great love instructs His children to love one another in this particular way, how can we practice hospitality since it’s sadly neglected in our society. In this essay, I want to provide 4 simple tips for you to practice hospitality in your home. 1. Keep it simple. Hospitality does not mean exquisit

Training Your Children in the Home to Sit Still in the Pew.

Training your children in the home to sit still in the pew. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church There are many churches that encourage families to worship together on Sundays in corporate worship. There are those with the perspective that it behooves children to learn to sit still, sit quietly, hear the preaching, and observe God’s people worshiping the Living Savior. For those who go to church with children (even small children!) with the hope and desire of seeing them sit still in the pew, the question might be asked: how do I do this? What’s the magic trick? Honestly, there’s not one. But there are some practical tips that I can offer that may help those who choose to bring their small children into corporate worship so that they can train their children in the home to sit still in the pew. In this essay, I’ll provide some practical tips and helps for parents in this regard. 1. Treat family worship in the home as preparation for corporate worship with the church. —

How to Suffer Well.

How To Suffer Well Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church “Suffer hardship with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Tim 3:3). The Lord Jesus alerts His followers that they all will suffer (2 Tim 3:12) for the world hates Christ and so the world will hate Christ’s own (John 15:18-20). So how, then, must we suffer well? What should we as believers mark upon our minds and set upon our souls so that we would triumph and persevere through suffering? 1. Know your lot. Remember who you are. You belong to Christ: the Prince of Peace who came unto His own but His own did not receive Him (John 1:11). Remember that if your Master has suffered so you too will suffer (John 15:20). Indeed, Christ has set the example for believers to follow in His steps (1 Pet 2:21). What is the lot of believers? What is the God-given, divinely-distributed portion for the people of God? It is to remember that Paul said: we have been destined for afflictions (1 Thess 3:5) and to not be afraid of