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Showing posts from November, 2014

9 Motivations for You to Repent Now!

9 Motivations for You to Repent Now! Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church The Bible teaches that today is the day of salvation. Now is the acceptable time for sinners to repent. God always promises to forgive when sinners repent of sin but God never promises the sinner tomorrow so that he can repent of his sin then. So, this brief writeup lists nine compelling motivations for sinners to repent now. Come to Christ today ! Turn from your sins now and live! 1. The shortness of time! You must number yours days. Time on earth will not go on forever. People are not immortal. Humans are eternal beings but not immortal beings. You will live on forever. Your life, dear friends, is but a candle, for it’ll soon go out. Your life is but a shadow that quickly passes by. One’s existence is but a sunset that begins and after but a few passing moments it is gone. Your life is like steam on a hot cup as it goes up and then it’s gone forever. God lovingly beckons you to come now when h

Repentance — what to repent of.

REPENTANCE: What To Repent Of? Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church 1. Repent of your public, known sins. Make it your ambition to come before the Lord and ask for His mercy for your public and known sins. That is, make known the sins that you’ve committed in public, that you know about, that others know about. 2. Repent of your hidden, private sins. Uncover the hidden, deep, dark recesses of your private sins to the Lord. He sees it all and knows them all anyway. Uncover the deep blackness in the well of your heart. Bring it to light. Let the blackness of sin be cleansed by the crimson blood of Christ. Uncover and repent of these. 3. Repent of that ‘pet/darling/favorite’ sin that you won’t let go of. Come to the Lord and earnestly beseech God’s mercy for that one sin that you repent of often. That ‘darling’ (pet, cherished) sin that you have, that you fight against, that you repent of often, and that you are most afraid of — or unwilling — to give up. Repent and surre

Believe in the Absolute Sovereignty of God.

Believe in the Absolute Sovereignty of God! A Most Comforting Doctrine to the Christian Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church The Lord has given a number of psalms that focus on the theme of the LORD’s Kingship. These “Kingship Psalms” consist of Psalms 93-100. The psalms highlight, repeat, and underscore various features of the Lord’s reign, His character, His deeds, and His praiseworthiness.  This brief write-up will provide eleven adverbs describing how the LORD reigns . 1. Exclusively The Lord alone reigns. He shares His throne with no one else. No enemy or foe or fate could ever share the throne with the LORD. He reigns exclusively over all things in all creation. 2. Absolutely The Lord reigns absolutely. His kingship is absolute. He rules as king independently and depends upon no one or nothing else for existence. He reigns with all control and with no co-dependence upon another. 3. Exhaustively The Lord reigns over everything — every single proton and every g

The Pastor's Primary Responsibilities

The Pastor’s Primary Responsibilities Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church In this brief essay, I will set before you three primary responsibilities of every pastor. 1. Intercede for God’s Flock Pray To neglect to pray is to neglect the power source in a pastor’s ministry. For a minister to engage in many duties in his church and yet omit the regular practice of prayer demonstrates that he has no understanding of nor does he have any conviction of the importance of the ministry, his helplessless in the ministry, his humility in the ministry and God’s sovereignty over his ministry. A pastor must pray. A shepherd must intercede for God’s flock. Every Christian is a sheep that belongs to God and God has stated that every sheep in the fold belongs to Him. And God has entrusted His own blood-bought sheep to the care of His undershepherds — pastors. To lead is to model. And there is no greater way that a pastor can model Christlikeness for his flock than to show them how to