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Showing posts from April, 2012

Passion Week of Christ Conference with Dr. Doug Bookman UPDATE

For those planning to attend the Passion Week of Christ conference with Dr. Doug Bookman, the first session has been CANCELLED for tonight only due to a flight delay. We will begin the conference TOMORROW, May 1st, at 6:30pm at Christ Fellowship & then resume as planned. The *REVISED* schedule — Tuesday, May 1         6:30-7:30pm    Session 1 7:45-8:45pm    Session 2 Wednesday, May 2     6:30-7:30pm    Session 3 7:45-8:45pm    Session 4 Location: 2501 Rockford Ave. St Louis, MO 63144 ( map here ) More info at the CFBC website .

2012 — What Will Happen in the End Times? A Biblical Perspective

If you're in the St Louis area, join us tonight at 7pm as we examine the issue of 2012 — WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN THE END TIMES? A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE . When : Friday, April 27th at 7pm Where : 5182 Golf Ridge Lane St. Louis, MO 63128 What : A lecture & discussion on what the Bible teaches about the end of the world. See you there!

What do you do with sexual immorality in the local church?

When the apostle Paul heard that there was immorality in the Corinthian church, he was shocked . The brand of immorality was of such a kind that the sensibilities of the pagan world would even be offended—"a man has his father's wife". But his amazement was mostly because the church tolerated it as a badge of honor. The church had so distorted the meaning of love that it was proud of its acceptance of such persons. "And you are arrogant. Ought you not rather to mourn?" exclaimed Paul. This revealing episode in early church history, found in 1 Corinthians 5, could not be more relevant. As Paul said, "Your boasting is not good." The idea that some associations of professing Christians actually lead out in the fight for same-sex unions, homosexuality in the priesthood, and other practices mitigating against sexual purity and the bond of marriage, would certainly evoke Paul's righteous indignation if he were alive today. The chur

Passion Week of Christ with Dr Doug Bookman

Christ Fellowship Bible Church is excited to host Dr. Doug Bookman for a conference on the Passion Week of Christ. Here is the conference information: Theme: “Behold, the Lamb of God!” A Detailed and Devotional Study of the Passion Week of Jesus Christ Schedule: Monday, April 30     7:30-8:30pm    Session 1 Tuesday, May 1         6:30-7:30pm    Session 2 7:45-8:45pm    Session 3 Wednesday, May 2     6:30-7:30pm    Session 4 7:45-8:45pm    Session 5 Location: 2501 Rockford Ave. St Louis, MO 63144 ( map here ) Info: No cost; no sign ups; just come & enjoy a conference on the Passion Week of Christ if your schedule allows! Questions: Contact us at CFBC for more information!

The Challenge to Pray

Be exhorted and challenged to more fervent & frequent prayer in preparation for heaven's praises. JC Ryle writes: We must pray on earth, or we shall never praise in heaven. We must go through the school of prayer, or we shall never be fit for the holiday of praise. In short, to be prayerless is to be without God -- without Christ -- without grace -- without hope -- and without heaven. It is to be in the road to hell.

The assured efficacy of the preached Word

What does God’s Word accomplish when it is preached? 1. It  converts  the  sinner  so  that  God’s  glory  is  supremely  manifested  in  his/her  salvation. 2. It  encourages  the  regenerate  to  grow  in  their  faith. 3. It  equips  the  saved  to  evangelize,  walk  in  holiness,  and  grow  in  sanctification. 4. It  reminds  believers  of  the  sovereignty  of  God  and  the  salvation  He  has  given. 5. It  confronts  believers  living  in  sin  to  repent,  change,  and  begin  to  walk  in  newness  of   life. 6. It  comes  across  as  foolishness  to  the  unredeemed  sinner  who  walks  away  from  the   gospel  unchanged. 7. It  further  hardens  the  reprobate  so  that  God’s  glory  is  supremely  manifested  in  his/her   judgment. 8. It  takes  the  hardened  sinner  to  the  point  where  he  is  “beyond  redemption”  and  is  an   apostate. The  point  is  this :  the  preacher  doesn’t  know  what  God  is  sovereignly  doing  with  each  person   in  the

The Preacher's Fellowship — CFBC

Here is one of the ways that we at Christ Fellowship Bible Church endeavor to equip, teach, and see men that God has gifted and called to teach & preach in various capacities. It is called THE PREACHER'S FELLOWSHIP. There are men at CFBC that know God's Word, have been in pastoral ministry, desire to be in pastoral ministry, or have a heart for being a Godly leader. And one such element that that Scripture brings out is a leader should be equipped to teach God's Word. One way that this can evidence itself is through THE PREACHING of God's Word. We plan to meet every other Saturday morning from about 8-9:30am at the church for a time of teaching, preaching, critiquing, and dialogue. PURPOSE ? This is to help you understand what is involved in preaching, how to prepare a sermon, and how to improve at the preaching of God's Word so that we can grow in our ability to teach & preach God's truth to God's people (2 Tim 4:2 - "preach ... be read

An accurate assessment of the health, wealth, & prosperity message

Guard against hypocrisy!

Jesus confronted the religious leaders of the day and called them hypocrites (ὑποκριταί) because they offered lip service to God but by their actions they showed that their hearts were far from Him. Jesus said: Matthew 15:7-9    7 "You hypocrites (ὑποκριταί), rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you:  8 'THIS PEOPLE HONORS ME WITH THEIR LIPS, BUT THEIR HEART IS FAR AWAY FROM ME.  9 'BUT IN VAIN DO THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE PRECEPTS OF MEN.'" JC Ryle puts it so well: I do not deny that there are many hypocrites in religion. There always were, and there always will be, as long as the world stands. As long as there is good gold and silver coin in the realm, so long there will be forging, coining, and counterfeit money. The very existence of bad coins is an indirect proof that there is something which it is worth while to imitate, and that there is such a thing as good current money in circulation. It is just the same with Christianity! The ve

Easter Sunday at CFBC

Here are the songs that we plan to sing this Easter Sunday as we worship the Lord together at Tilles Park in St. Louis. Come join us at 10:00am! For more info, check out Christ Fellowship Bible Church's website . 1. Come, Christians join to sing 2. Come p eople of the risen King 3. O Church arise 4. In Christ alone 5. Mighty to save Click on the links & listen. Prepare your hearts! See you there!