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Showing posts from February, 2017

Church Member! Fight to Attend Your Church Weekly!

Church Member!  Fight to Attend Your Church Weekly! Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Fight? Attend Church? Weekly? Church member? Yes, indeed! We live in such a swirlingly busy age with countless distractions and endless entertainments and overly-busy schedules. How easily and how quickly it can be that the gathering together with the people of God in your local assembly can be missed one week because of a scheduling conflict. And then it becomes easier the next week. And the next. And so on. So the title is intentional and the motive of this essay is pastorally & compassionately exhortational: FIGHT and make it a priority to attend your local church on a weekly basis. I understand things come up. Illness happens. Vacations occur. There are providential workings of God that may cause a child of God to miss church. But please hear this: missing church should not be the norm; it should be the exception. It is your local church where Christ promises to walk

Foundations Class [Audio/PDF outlines] at Christ Fellowship Bible Church

Over the last few months, we at Christ Fellowship Bible Church (St Louis, MO) have been working through a course called: The Foundations of the Local Church . Here are all the topics, audios, and links put together in one place. 1. Preaching the Word of God  |  Link 2. Penal, substitutionary atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ  |  Link 3. The authority and inerrancy of the Bible  |  Link 4. Submission to government, a minister of God  |  Link 5. Worshiping the Triune God of glory  |  Link 6. Qualified, converted, male biblical leadership in the local church  |  Link 7. The purpose of the church: comprehensive discipleship  |  Link 8. The joy of evangelizing the unsaved  |  Link 9. Equipping the saints to do the work of ministry  |  Link 10. The absolute sovereignty of the one, true God  |  Link 11. The power, privilege, and duty of prayer  |  Link 12. Cessationism:  the ceasing and fulfillment of the miraculous, sign gifts  |  Link 13. The kind of church you wanna be

Give Yourself to Constant & Committed Prayer!

Give Yourself to Constant & Committed Prayer. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Proverbs 15:8  — The prayer of the upright is His delight. Every Christian has at his disposal the most mind-boggling wonder. The weakest saint can come before the throne of Almighty God in heaven in simple prayer. It’s not the might of the saint that changes things. It is the intercession of the sufficient Savior who intercedes for the weakest Saint as the Spirit takes those prayers before the Father in heaven. That’s where the power resides. O that every Christian would set aside time in his daily schedule to be alone with God in the communion of prayer. Not praying ‘as you go’ or praying ‘as you drive’ or praying ‘from time to time.’ And all of those are not bad, nor are they to be rejected. But the goal of this essay is to exhort and plead with Christians to set daily aside to go into the ‘inner room’ and be alone with God -- to pray, to really pray, to call upon God fervently, p