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Showing posts from December, 2013

The Biblical Truth About Homosexuality, PART 3. Providing Biblical Answers to the LGBT Claims.

The Biblical Truth About Homosexuality, Part 3 Providing Biblical Answers to the LGBT Claims A few days ago, I began a brief series of blogs answering Wilson Cruz' statements on the CNN interview with Al Mohler last week following up the Duck Dynasty stir. LINK to video/interview: Interview on December 19, 2013 Wilson Cruz , national spokesman for GLAAD & Albert Mohler , President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The following are claims and statements that Wilson made during the interview with CNN. I endeavor to provide biblical answers and Christ-centered rebuttals to Wilson’s comments. [The statements in bold are those that came from Wilson, the national spokesman for GLAAD & a proponent of LGBT. The answers below each statement are biblical responses to Wilson’s comments.] In part 1 , I answer Wilson's first 3 claims. Then in part 2 , I answer Wilson's

The Biblical Truth About Homosexuality, PART 2. Providing Biblical Answers to the LGBT Claims.

Yesterday, I began a series answering Wilson Cruz' statements on the CNN interview with Al Mohler last week following up the Duck Dynasty stir. LINK to video/interview: Interview on December 19, 2013 Wilson Cruz , national spokesman for GLAAD & Albert Mohler , President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The following are claims and statements that Wilson made during the interview with CNN. I endeavor to provide biblical answers and Christ-centered rebuttals to Wilson’s comments. [The statements in bold are those that came from Wilson, the national spokesman for GLAAD & a proponent of LGBT. The answers below each statement are biblical responses to Wilson’s comments.] In the previous post , I provided Wilson's first three claims and then I followed each with a biblical response. 1. Not all Christians support views of Phil Robertson. More and more Christians support LGBT

The Biblical Truth About Homosexuality: Duck Dynasty Revisited. Providing Biblical Answers to Homosexual Claims

THE BIBLICAL TRUTH ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY Duck Dynasty Revisited Providing Biblical Answers to the Homosexual Claims Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church LINK to video/interview: Interview on December 19, 2013 Interviewees: Wilson Cruz, national spokesman for GLAAD & Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The following are claims and statements that Wilson Cruz made during the interview with CNN. I endeavor to provide biblical answers and Christ-centered rebuttals to Wilson’s comments. [The statements in bold are those that came from Wilson, the national spokesman for GLAAD & a proponent of LGBT. The answers below each statement are biblical responses to Wilson’s comments.] 1. Not all Christians support views of Phil Robertson. More and more Christians support LGBT. One must understand that not all who claim to be ‘Christians’ are in fact Ch


Thomas Watson: Prayer works for good. Prayer is the bellows of the affections; it blows up holy desires and ardours of soul. Prayer has power with God. ' Command ye me' (Isa 45.11). It is a key that unlocks the treasury of God's mercy. Prayer keeps the heart open to God, and shut to sin; it assuages the intemperate heart and the swellings of lust. From Thomas Watson, All Things For Good, 19.


Good note on sovereign election/effectual calling by Tom Schreiner: "[Election] is not merely an invitation that human beings can reject, but it is a summons that overcomes human resistance & effectually persuades them to say yes to God." SOURCE: Tom Schreiner, Romans , BECNT, 451.

Halt Your Immorality Before It Begins!

HALT YOUR IMMORALITY BEFORE IT BEGINS... Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church What I endeavor to promote in this essay is God-glorifying and Christ-satisfying sexual purity. In writing this, I hope to show that adultery (=immorality) does not begin when the act occurs. That final act may be the last — and public — sin in a long, unattended to, unconfessed pattern of sins where repentance has not occurred. Here are some "E's" so  you don't 'ease' your way into immorality... [ Much of this essay was stimulated by a recent message by Tommy Nelson and recent articles by Denny Burk and Tim Challies. This brief article has slightly altered and added to their original thoughts. ] I will attack it negatively. Here is what to not to do. In other words: these are the steps to fall into adultery. But to refrain from adultery and sexual promiscuity, one should desire the utmost holiness from the core, the root, the beginning, so that other occasions of

A Preacher's Monday: Hard, Heavy & Heavenly

A Preacher’s Monday: Hard, Heavy & Heavenly Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church He woke up and found that he feels a bit tired — more tired than usual. Last night he had an ‘event’ take place. Truly it was more than an event — it was a supernatural experience. God spoke through him as he opened the Word, explained the context, explained the meaning of the text, applied the text, and poured out his life and soul into that sermon. Sundays are at the same time unspeakably beautiful and undeniably draining. But a man of God must expect nothing less in the service of the great King. For every faithful, expository preacher of God’s Word, every Monday is hard, heavy and heavenly. Let me explain. 1. Monday is a Day of Recovery. The preaching on Sundays can be compared to the birthing process. Early on in the week, the man of God began the work of building, creating, and forming a sermon akin to the conception of a baby in the womb. Just as a baby grows in the womb of th

The great benefit of open-air preaching.

The great benefit of open-air preaching... The great benefit of open-air preaching is that we get so many newcomers to hear the gospel who otherwise would never hear it. The gospel command is, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature," but it is so little obeyed that one would imagine that it ran thus, "Go into your own place of worship and preach the gospel to the few creatures who will come inside." --Charles Spurgeon

The Conclusion to a Sermon: Pleading for a Decision!

Excellent model of pleading, exhorting, compelling & persuading by the great Prince of Preachers, Charles Spurgeon : I fear that some of you, seeing ye have never come and put your trust in Christ, will have to say, when your time comes to die, what Wolsey is said to have declared, with only one word of alteration:— "O Cromwell, Cromwell! Had I but served my God with half the zeal I served the world, he would not, in mine age, Have left me naked to mine enemies." Oh, before those days fully come, quit the service of the master who never can reward you except with death! Cast your arms around the cross of Christ, and give up your heart to God, and then, come what may, I am persuaded that "Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." While you sh

Pursue Hospitality! A Christian Virtue for All Believers.

Pursue Hospitality! A Christian Virtue for All Believers. BOOK: Alexander Strauch, The Hospitality Commands: Building Loving Christian Community, Building Bridges to Friends and Neighbors . Littleton, CO: Lewis & Roth, 1993. SELECTED QUOTES FROM THE BOOK: To understand Christian love, we must look to its divine source--Jesus Christ (12) Christianity’s teaching on love is unparalleled in the history of religion. One of the key factors that helps explain the rapid expansion of early Christianity is the love displayed among the first Christians (14). The pagans were forced to say, “See how they love one another ... And how ready they are to die for each other” (14). I don’t think most Christians today understand how essential hospitality is to fanning the flames of love and strengthening the Christian family. Hospitality fleshes out love in a uniquely personal and sacrificial way (17). Through the ministry of hospitality, we share our most prized possessions. We share our family,