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Showing posts from January, 2023

Part 1: The GOAL of Parenting

The GOAL of Parenting. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church (St Louis, MO)   The goal of parenting is to glorify God by faithfully obeying the Lord and teaching the children divine Truth. This further fleshes out with more reasons God has given parents to children.    First , parents must diligently instruct the children in the word of God. This should be regular, daily, fervent, passionate, gentle, warm, and age-appropriate. Second , parents must seek to exemplify holiness so the children can see Godliness enfleshed. As parents sin, they should clearly and humbly confess it, ask for forgiveness and grant forgiveness lavishly and immediately. Additionally , parents must strive to prepare their children to be good citizens in society by being submissive to authority, hard-working, respectful, and dutiful and law-abiding. Fourthly , parents must fervently evangelize the children from the earliest of ages so that the children will constantly hear of a glorious God who is ho

Family Worship: Planning What Books To Study

Family Worship: Planning What Books To Study Geoffrey R. Kirkland  (Pastor, Christ Fellowship Bible Church ) As I lead my family, I regularly ponder what texts and themes to teach my children. Of course I recognize that my children won’t remember all of my points (Ha! I only wish that were the case; but I can’t even remember all   my own teaching points !). But over the course of time, I do want my children to have a grasp of systematic theology, an overview of the Books of the Bible, practical Christian living, the means of grace, and the importance of knowing God and His attributes.  We recently concluded a lengthy study through the Book of Proverbs. The way that we chose to work through this book in our evening family worship times consisted of me and my children (as I called on them) reading about 10 verses each (sometimes more and sometimes less) in a chapter.  Then, I would pull out 2 or 3 pertinent verses and drawn out points that specifically relate to where we are as a family