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Showing posts from December, 2015

"A Godly Home" — Understanding What God Says On Issues Related to Home/Family Life.

At Christ Fellowship Bible Church , we just concluded a series called: "A Godly Home" where we looked at God's Word on various issues related to home/family life so as to understand God's perspective and to glean God's wisdom on the family . A GODLY HOME teaching series at Christ Fellowship: 1. Introduction to the series: "A Godly Home"   |  audio Geoff Kirkland   2. The meaning of marriage (Genesis 2)  |  audio Geoff Kirkland 3. The husband's duties to his wife (Ephesians 5:25-33)  |  audio Geoff Kirkland 4. The wife's duties to her husband (Ephesians 5:22-24)  |  audio Geoff Kirkland 5. Godly communication in the marriage (Selected Scriptures)  |  audio Geoff Kirkland 6. The intoxicating delight of sexual intimacy in marriage (Selected Scriptures)  |  audio Geoff Kirkland 7. Forgiveness in a godly marriage (Matthew 18:21-35)  |  audio Randy Kirkland 8. The goals of Christian parenting, part 1  (Selected Scriptures)

Why I Preach the Word!

WHY I PREACH THE WORD Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church 1. obedience. I preach the Word because God commands me to do so. In obedience to my Savior, I herald His truth from His Word to listening ears. Why must I preach the Word? Because God calls His prophets to take His words and speak them to His people (Jer 23:28). God has given us His Word and all men everywhere must hear His truth. Christ tells me to “preach the Word” and to be ready “in season and out of season” (2 Tim 4:1-5). I preach because God commands me to do it. I preach to be obedient to my Master. 2. trust. I preach the Word because I trust it will accomplish supernatural results. The preaching act is the most powerful force that the universe has ever known. Faithful preaching is the word of the living God going forth through His mouthpiece to hearers. Nothing in all existence carries as much power and authority than does the heralding of God’s truth from His Book. So, I preach because I trust

Students! Make the Most of Your Winter Break!

Make the Most of Your Winter Break Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Many students will return home from college after finals week and will have a few weeks off of school. Some students may go to previous employments to work for the break. Others will not work for the few weeks that they’re home and will choose, rather, to relax and spend time with family and friends. It is my goal in this brief essay to strongly plead with you, precious young men and women, to not squander these days but rather to use them wisely and make the most of your winter break.  I want to provide for you six loving exhortations for your serious consideration. 1. Read your Bible. Either you will proactively resolve to read your Bible or you will not determine to do so with the result that it probably will get left on the shelf without finding the place of priority in your schedule. Young people, remember that nothing in all of the world so profits your soul and satisfies your heart than th