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Showing posts from February, 2018

Some Encouragements for Those Who Are Distracted in the Worship of God.

Encouragements for those who are distracted Some of these gleanings are from the puritans Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Remember to Repent When we find ourselves distracted in the worship of the Lord, let us be diligent to repent of the sin and bewail the fact that we take our eyes off of Christ, His Word, and His beauties and succumb to distractions on lesser things for the moment. Confess your sin specifically to the Lord. Remember to Refocus When distractions come and Satan’s temptations assault, remember to cast your eyes upward again on Christ. Do not neglect to refocus on Christ. It’s one thing to notice a distraction and repent of it, but continue to persevere in the mortifying of this sin and the vivifying of holiness by refocusing yet again on Christ’s person and glory. Remember to Meditate on the glory of Christ Distractions cast our eyes off of Christ and on to something else. Our hearts falls from the gaze of Christ onto lesser things. The highest ob

Commitments of CFBC Restated & Reaffirmed.

The Commitments of CFBC Restated & Reaffirmed. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Expository Preaching The highest form of worship that mortal man could reach is the hearing from God as He speaks through the reading and preaching of his Word. The grand and majestic interaction between God and His people in the preaching of the Word cannot be overstated. God comes down to communicate through His chosen mouthpiece to His people to encourage their hearts, inform their minds, direct their wills, and form them more into the image of Christ. For these reasons, we are unswervingly committed to the faithful, biblical, sequential, expository preaching of the inerrant, sufficient, and authoritative Word of God. Thus, when we gather together corporately, the preaching of God’s Word takes center place so that He can speak and address us as His people so we can grow in holiness and in the knowledge of our blessed Savior. Committed Prayer We depend wholly and fully on the powe