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Showing posts from November, 2012

Preaching that is bold, direct, and most loving.

JC Ryle comments on the preaching of George Whitefield: Whitefield was a singularly bold and direct preacher. he never used that indirect expression "we," which seems so peculiar to English pulpit oratory, and which only leaves a hearer's mind in a state of misty confusion. He met men face to face, like one who had a message from God to them, "I have come here to speak to you about your soul." The result was that many of his hearers used often to think that his sermons were specially meant for themselves. He was not content, as many, with sticking on a meagre-tail-piece of application at the end of a long discourse. On the contrary, a constant vein of application ran through all his sermons. "This is for you, and this is for you." His hearers were never let alone. May the LORD raise up more Whitefield's in our day to passionately, directly, and faithfully address the hearers with the truth of Holy Scripture. Source: J. A. Caiger, "Pre

Ways you can biblically pray for your pastors/elders

Eight Ways to Use Scripture to Pray for Your Pastor 1. Pray that he would conduct himself wisely in a life of obedience that remains above reproach (1 Timothy 3:2) 2. Pray that he would love and be faithful to his wife (Ephesians 5:25-33) 3. Pray that he would raise his children in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) 4. Pray that he would love the Lord with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30) 5. Pray that he would faithfully shepherd the flock of God (1 Peter 5:1-3) 6. Pray that he would flee temptation (1 Thessalonians 4:3-8) 7. Pray that he would be a man of unceasing prayer (Ephesians 6:18) 8. Pray that he would bind himself to the Scriptures and commit himself to expounding the Word of God rather than his own opinions (2 Timothy 4:1-4) “A commitment to expository preaching takes a firm belief in the power of God’s Word and a humble recognition that the God-appointed means of preaching is better than whatever impressive or efficient model we migh

May this never be said to a preacher

There are some lines that a preacher hopes he never hears. In a sermon on Psalm 7 entitled: " Turn or Burn, " Spurgeon noted how the topic of the wrath of God was seldom preached. Then he pondered how despicable it would be if, in eternity, one would approach him and say the following statement. From Charles Spurgeon: "Sir, you flattered us; you did not tell us of the solemnities of eternity; you did not rightly dwell upon the awful wrath of God; you spoke to us feebly and faintly; you were somewhat afraid of us; you knew we could not bear to hear of eternal torment, and therefore you kept it back and never mentioned it!" May we as preachers be faithful to the Word of God — all of the glories of the Word of God!

The intensity of Kirkland football

What is true repentance? Is there a false repentance that leads to hell?

WHAT IS TRUE REPENTANCE? Is There a False Repentance That Sends to Hell? Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church To use the words of the Heidelberg Catechism, godly grief “is to be genuinely sorry for sin, to hate it more and more, and to run away from it” (#89). To answer the question of what the repentance that sends to hell is, we need to examine the biblical truth concerning marks that will accompany true repentance. In other words, a professed repentance without these marks indicating change shows that the repentance is not genuine, real, and lasting. Godly sorrow is an earnest desire. It is a passionate pursuit. It is a zealous pursuit. 2 Corinthians 7:11 For behold what earnestness this very thing, this godly sorrow, has produced in you: what vindication of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what longing, what zeal, what avenging of wrong! In everything you demonstrated yourselves to be innocent in the matter. Here are some marks of what biblical,


Very helpful words from D Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The New Testament calls upon us to take action; it does not tell us that the work of sanctification is going to be done for us. . . . We are in the 'good fight of faith', and we have to do the fighting. But, thank God, we are enabled to do it; for the moment we believe, and are justified by faith, and are born again of the Spirit of God, we have the ability. So the New Testament method of sanctification is to remind us of that; and having reminded us of it, it says, 'Now then, go and do it' . (SOURCE: Lloyd-Jones, Romans: Exposition of Chapter 6: The New Man , p.178)

Vince Greene & Family — Serving & Training Pastors in the Philippines

This upcoming week, we at Christ Fellowship Bible Church have the awesome privilege of hosting Vincent Greene and his family. Vincent is raising support to join Sean Ransom serving with TMAI (the Master's Academy International) in the Philippines to train Filipino men to study, interpret, and preach the Word of God faithfully and accurately in their churches. Vincent has visited the Philippines a number of times and has taught modules there and is familiar with the men, the pastors, and the team that he will be working with there. We at CFBC have a wonderful privilege to spent a weekend with Vincent, his wife, Kim, and their children as we serve them, encourage them, and minister to them. WEEKEND SCHEDULE: SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 6:30-8:00PM — Meet & greet the Greene family (at Geoff Kirkland's home by the Church) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 4PM (Family Bible Hour) — Vincent will preach 5PM (Worship Service) — Vincent will preach Please come meet this dear family

When you are angry, what should you do & ask?

From David Powlison : The simplest question to ask about what underlies anger is, “What do I really want?” If you are honest, with God’s help, you can recognize if you really crave to get even, or to hurt someone, or not to be inconvenienced, or to prove someone wrong, or to score points, or to be recognized and appreciated, or to humiliate, or to win, or to get your way. You are ruled by what the Bible terms “self.” SOURCE: David Powlison, "Understanding Anger: Part 1" Journal of Biblical Counseling 14, no. 1 (1995): 52.