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8 Reasons To Pursue ACBC Certification.

PURSUING ACBC CERTIFICATION Be a trained, certified biblical counselor with ACBC, The Association of Certified Biblical Counselors .     8 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD PURSUE IT. 1. PERSONAL GROWTH AND KNOWLEDGE As you work through the required steps toward ACBC certification you will understand more of God’s Word and increase your knowledge of God, of Christ, of the gospel, and how it specifically applies to everyday situations of life. The studies for the exams and the preparation for the counseling sessions will all drive you to a humble dependence on God and a desperate longing for His grace as you seek to minister the Word to hurting saints. 2. DISCIPLINE AND ACCOUNTABILITY A wonderful result of pursuing the ACBC certification process is personal discipline. The phases of certification are intense and quite involved. They require time, planning, diligence, study, prayer, and thought. It will teach you and hone personal discipline as you prioritize the time for study and writing. It also
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