Tuesday, August 23, 2011

study science to study GOD.

From Richard Baxter as he comments on Ps 111:2 — Great are the works of the LORD; They are studied by all who delight in them:

"To see God in his creatures, and to love him and converse with him, was the employment of man in his upright state. This is so far from ceasing to be our duty, that it is the work of Christ, by faith, to bring us back to it; and therefore the most holy men are the most excellent students of God's works; and none but the holy can rightly study or know them. Your studies of physics and other sciences are not worth a rush, if it be not God by them that you seek after. To see and admire, to reverence and adore, to love and delight in God appearing to us in his works, and purposely to peruse them for the knowledge of God; this is the true and only philosophy, and the contrary is mere foolery, and so called again and again by God himself."

(from Spurgeon, Treasury of David, 2/2:7)