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Showing posts from March, 2012

Hey — Are You Boasting in the Lord?

I received this email from a good friend: What does it exactly mean to boast in the Lord? I have a vague idea of what it means however what does it truly mean? And where in the bible does it talk about it? Here is my answer to him:

The Power & Trustworthiness of the Bible

The Bible is trustworthy. The heart of the Christian is a library that must hold, keep, & store the Word of God. It is dependable, trustworthy, powerful, effective, supernatural, and divinely given. Last night I had the privilege to preach what God has taught me this past week regarding the supernatural power and Spirit-given assurance that God's Word is truly that — God's Word. Listen to and apply this sermon here . I feel that Spurgeon's remarks aptly conclude a discussion on the trustworthiness of Scripture: God’s word is the soul’s manna and the soul’s water of life. How greatly we ought to prize each word of divine teaching. But, dear brethren, do you not think that many are very neglectful of God’s instructive voice? In the Bible we have precious doctrines, precious promises, precious precepts, and above all a precious Christ, and if a man would really live upon these choice things, he might rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. But how often is

Look to Christ!

Reader, trust Christ, look to Christ, cry to the Lord Jesus Christ, if you never yet believed, about your soul. If you have not the right feelings yet, ask Him to give you right feelings.  If you dare not think that you have true faith yet, ask Him to give you faith.  But in any case do not sit still.  Do not idle away your soul into hell in ignorant, unscriptural sloth.  Do not live on in senseless inactivity,—waiting for you know not what,—expecting what you cannot explain,—increasing your guilt every day,—offending God by continuing in lazy unbelief, —and hourly digging a grave for your own soul.  Arise and call upon Christ!  Awake and cry to Jesus about your soul!  Whatever difficulties there may be about believing, one thing at least is abundantly clear,—no man ever perished and went to hell from the foot of the cross.  If you can do nothing else, lie down at the foot of the cross. — JC Ryle

The importance of domestic piety (=holiness)

Here is a marvelous reminder from J.H. Merle D'Aubigne (Swiss pastor, 1827): But, my brethren, if the love of God be in your hearts, and if you feel that, being bought with a price, you ought to glorify God in your bodies and spirits, which are his, where do you love to glorify him rather than in your families and in your houses? You love to unite with your brethren in worshipping him publicly in the church; you love to pour out your souls before him in your closets. Is it only in the presence of that being with whom God has connected you for life and before your children, that you can not think of God? Is it, then, only, that you have no blessings to ascribe? Is it, then, only, that you have no mercies and protection to implore? You can speak of every thing when with them; your conversation is upon a thousand different matters; but your tongue and your heart can not find room for one word about God! You will not look up as a family to him who is the true Father of

Creation as a Theater

John Calvin said: "the created order is a theater of the glory of God."

Charles Spurgeon — The Nineteenth Century Calvinistic Evangelist!

Here are quotes from Steve Lawson's session on Charles Spurgeon - the Evangelistic Zeal of a Calvinist. (Forgive me for any typos — I tried to type fast while Lawson spoke.) INTRO: “If you’re going to be a fisherman, you must cast the line, draw the fish.” Be committed to the sovereignty of God in salvation & have an evangelistic heart and fervor. “The only preacher who plays with a full deck is a Calvinistic evangelist.” He is a force to be reckoned with. CHARLES HADDON SPURGEON The “prince of preachers” - the greatest preacher the church has ever known since Paul. He stands at the head of the list of every survey of great preachers. If Calvin was the greatest theologian, if Edwards was greatest philosopher, and Whitefield was greatest evangelist, then SPurgeon was the greatest evangelistic pastor to occupy one pulpit over a period of time. WHY SPURGEON??? One of the greatest preachers of the last century, if not the greatest of all time (Lloyd Jones on Spurgeon) Spurgeon wa

Quotes from Alex Montoya's Seminar on Preaching with Passion

Here are some quotes from Montoya's seminar at the Shepherd's Conference yesterday on PREACHING WITH PASSION: (sorry for the misspellings — I was typing quickly as he spoke.) Preaching is not an end in of itself; preaching is the declaration of God’s Word to mankind that man might repent of his sin & come to saving faith. Preaching is the finest way that we can present every man complete in Christ. “For us to preach or teach a boring sermon is a great sin.” “We are entrusted with the oracles of God --- it is an exciting book.” “Normally when people don’t like your preaching they don’t write you poems, they send white powder in little envelopes.” “Preach God’s WOrd effectively; preach it in such a way that what you say is important but how you say it is important.” “Preach the Word of God that it comes across with great passion, with great energy, with great fire.” “Witohut passion, the sermon becomes a lecture or a moral speech.” A dull minister creates a

Coffee with the Pastor

On Sunday evenings after our worship service, you are most welcome to drop by our home for a time of coffee, fellowship, & discussion about Christ Fellowship Bible Church. If there are any questions you have about CFBC feel free to bring them. We would also love to hear your testimony, how you heard about CFBC, and what God is doing in your life. For more info, contact us through the CFBC website .

LIVE-STREAM the Shepherd's Conference

This upcoming week the SHEPHERD'S CONFERENCE will be live-streamed so you can watch the general sessions online. Here is the schedule ( all times are PST) . March 7-9, 2012.  Click HERE for the Live-Stream link . Wednesday, March 7, 2012 8:00 am Registration 10:00 am General Session 1 - John MacArthur 11:30 am Lunch* 1:30 pm Seminar Session 1 Details 2:45 pm Break 3:15 pm General Session 2 - Tom Pennington 4:30 pm Dinner Break 7:00 pm General Session 3 - John MacArthur Thursday, March 8, 2012 9:00 am General Session 4 - Voddie Baucham 10:15 am Break 10:45 am General Session 5 - John MacArthur Q&A Noon Lunch* 2:00 pm Seminar Session 2 Details 3:15 pm Break 3:45 pm Seminar Session 3 Details 5:00 pm Dinner Break 7:00 pm General Session 6 - Al Mohler Friday, March 9, 2012 9:00 am General Session 7 - Phil Johnson 10:15 am Break 10:45 am Seminar Session 4 Details Noon Lunch* 2:00 pm General Session 8 - Steve Lawson 4: