Wednesday, December 22, 2010

share the gospel.

A few weeks ago at our mid-week service at Church, I prayed that the LORD would grant to each believer an opportunity this Christmas season to share the gospel with someone.

The Lord answered that a few days ago when I talked on the phone with a man who was just released from prison. He grew up in the church; he knows about 'God' and Jesus but the gospel most definitely has not gripped his heart.

So I had an opportunity to talk on the phone with him for about 5 minutes. God gave me the words to say and provided a blessed opportunity to present the entire gospel to this young man and "command" (*note I didn't invite*) him to turn from his wicked ways that would only lead him to the Lake of Fire (which I said) and to turn in saving faith and repentance to Christ who is eternally satisfying and abundantly loving toward those who repent.

Yes, God does answer prayer. I shared the gospel with someone this Christmas season! Now I've been praying that God would penetrate his hard heart and that the gospel would convict him of his sins so that he would believe in Christ and be saved.

And yes, I believe that God does answer prayer.