Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Update from Cold Clarks Summit, PA

Did I mention that it has been snowing here in (COLD) Pennsylvania yet in my blog posts? Well, it hasn't stopped snowing since my LAST post. In fact, just to tell you how dangerous (and fun!) it is, I was walking with two different men today (one on the way to class this morning and one on the way to lunch this afternoon) and BOTH of them slipped on the ice (one fell and the other did a nice ice-skating-type-pose "shuffle"). I refrained from laughing. I do find it quite amusing that I didn't end up on my rear. I guess I owe that to my hockey days; the balance must still be with me (!).

Enough of the trivial matters, this morning I had my 1.5 hour presentation on Hebrews 1:5 and its usage of the Old Testament. I taught for 1 hour and 27 minutes and left three minutes for discussion at the end. The guys were super gracious and we had a great 3 minute discussion. I think that it went well. Thanks so much for praying. I was slightly intimidated in going first for the presentations but God gave a greater grace to those in need (ME!).

Tonight I'm studying for THREE more presentations I have to give NEXT week for my course. Then, I'm going to walk back down the hill (=perhaps I may "shuffle"—intentionally or unintentionally!) to get my $1 coffee and then head back to my dorm room.

That leads me to one final thought. I have a leak in my room. My window that overlooks a snow-covered field is now leaking water INSIDE my dorm room. I solved the problem by putting the trash can there to gather the water. Two men from my PhD class thought it'd be helpful (Ha—and funny!) to OPEN my window and let some of the 'cool' (like 20 degrees 'cool') weather in my dorm room. Thanks guys.

We have lots of fun. I conclude with one final note of utmost importance...

Tonight I had a Krisby Kreme doughnut before dinner. AND, I have one more Krisby Kreme doughnut sitting on my desk waiting for me upon my arrival at the dorm room!

God has truly been good to me.