Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Why I am a Premillennialist



I. We start with a hermeneutic as our presupposition and NOT a theology
this is of utmost importance.
Our hermeneutic leads to our theology. We do NOT presuppose theology for OT interpretation
We don’t adhere to principle of NT interpreting OT and thus we can interpret the OT
We DO fully and unequivocally adhere to progressive revelation – that the NT was NOT given to undo or reinterpret everything of the OT.
II. Exegetical integrity – how do we handle Revelation 20
We must start with hermeneutic and NOT presupposed theology
The Bible’s use of #’s in Revelation 20 – 1,000 means 1,000.
4 rules for interpreting #’s in Bible
1. #’s should be conveyed at literal mathematical quantity unless it is absolutely clear from the context.
2. #’s referring to time must be literal
3. Never in Bible is a year used with a numerical adjective anything OTHER than literal
4. Never used with a symbolic sense.
Therefore we must conclude that the literal interpretation of 1,000 year reign of Christ physically on earth is accurate.
III. Identities of Israel and the Church are completely distinct
There is no hint of replacement theology/supercessionism in the Scriptures.
In Acts, Israel is used 20x and the church is used 19x – the church refers to believers after Pentecost every single time and Israel refers to ethnic Israel every time and they are not synonymous at all.
The church is never called “spiritual Israel” or “the new Israel” anywhere in the NT
OT Israel is never called “church” in the OT
Ekklhsia (Church) used 18x in Revelation 1-3 yet in Rev 6-19 only israhl (Israel) occurs.
IV. Preservation of Israel as a Race and a Nation IS significant in History
**Jer 31:35-37 – Abrahamic Covenant spoken of here.
There is a fixed order and it has not (nor will it) cease – thus, God will embrace Israel and NEVER reject them.
I venture to say that anyone who says that God does not have a plan for national, ethnic Israel is calling God a “liar.”
for God keeps his word – cf. Gen 12, 15, 17
**Jer 33:19-26 – Davidic covenant is spoken of here
The integrity of God will fulfill it.
It will happen
National Israel will be restored.
This is the absolute clincher. There is absolutely NO way around these texts.
God still has a plan for national, ethnic Israel (cf. Rom 11:25-27).
V. Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants are UNCONDITIONAL
Both are unilateral and inaugurated and fulfilled by God Himself.
The Mosaic/Israelite covenant is bilateral and conditional (if…then…) but NOT Abrahamic, Davidic, New, etc.
There is only one conditional covenant – the Mosaic covenant.
All are valid and authoritative – even today (except for Mosaic covenant)
They are being fulfilled or will be fulfilled in the future – definitely.
VI. All other eschatological systems propose the following: Christ REIGNS and then HE COMES.
This is errant. Rather, He should come and then he should reign. If this is the case (which is what Rev 19-20 clearly teaches), then it only leads one to futuristic premillennialism.
Every other eschatological system is backwards.
VII. The Promise of Physical Earthly Kingdom with Land and Prominence of Israel is present in the Scriptures
It is NOT spiritually fulfilled in the church.
The question is this: Does God really mean what he says?
If so, then the Abrahamic and Davidic covenants are STILL valid – awaiting future and eschatological fulfillment.

I cannot take credit for originating this material. It came from the dean of the Master's Seminary, Dr. Richard Mayhue. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to comment! Blessings.