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Polygamy in the Church

You wonder if the words church and polygamy could even be in the same sentence. Well, they can. Unfortunately, the church of Latter Day Saints calls themselves a "church."

Listen to this recent article entitled: 'Lost Boy' Sues Utah Polygamist Leader.'

The article says:

Saying he was kicked out of his home and his fundamentalist church, an 18-year-old man sued Tuesday to force polygamist leader Warren Jeffs to help him reconnect with his fami

And more...

Attorneys for Johnny Jessop, 18, asked a state judge to order Jeffs, head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, to tell Jessop how to find his 62-year-old mother, Elsie. Jessop has not spoken to his mother in more than 18 months, attorney Roger Hoole said.

Jessop is among what may be dozens of so-called "Lost Boys" who say they were kicked out of the FLDS church in the past four years by Jeffs for being disobedient or because they were seen as competition to older men seeking young brides.

The FLDS practices polygamy and arranged marriages. The faith has an estimated 10,000 members, mostly in the border towns of Hildale, Utah, and Colorado City, Ariz. Jessop grew up in Hildale, Hoole said.

Furthermore, it notes...

FLDS members consider themselves "fundamentalist Mormons," although the mainstream church disavows any connection. They also consider Jeffs a prophet of God with dominion over their salvation.

It must be noted that any kind of "cult" that holds a sinful human being as a prophet of God with the absolute dominion over their salvation is surely no true and authentic church - as the Bible would define it.

Colossians 1:17-18 17 And He [Jesus] is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 18 He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first-born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything.

Jesus is the only One who has dominion over our souls. He is the only one who can offer salvation through His electing Sovereignty. God is the ONLY one who draws us to salvation, not some sinful prophet of God who has many wives.

How unfortunate it is that what the culture hears today about the Church of Latter Day Saints is associated with the "CHURCH." The Mormons are no church. They reject the clear statement and may it be ever heard:

John 14:6 6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.


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