Friday, December 27, 2019

 The Needed Area of Ministry In the Home
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Christ Fellowship Bible Church

We often talk about serving in the ministry of the Lord! And rightly so. We must stress that the ministry of the Lord does not always equate with busyness outside the home. What about the young mom with a toddler or the mother who home-schools her three elementary-school aged kids. How do they practically serve in ministry? In this write-up, I’d like to suggest a needed area of ministry in the home.

1. Minister in the Home as you LEAD IN WORSHIP
How can a young dad minister to the Lord? How can a mom actively engage in ministry? Here’s one way: lead your children in worship by showing them how great God is, how glorious His Word is, and how desirous He is to save sinners! Never underestimate the power of leading at home in worship. Men must take the lead in overseeing the home and ensuring that Christ is worshiped in the home. Moms also can lead the children in worship as they teach the children throughout the day. Remember, serving in ministry does not only demand busyness outside the home!

2. Minister in the Home as you ENJOY FAMILY LIFE
Another way that you can minister to the Lord is by enjoying family life. Just enjoy each other! Have fun! Engage in activities and go places together and enjoy the community of family life. It is no wonder that Christ calls His church a family of believers, a community, an assembly, a gathering of brothers and sisters. So it should be in the home. Enjoy family life together as you savor the common graces and blessings God has given.

3. Minister in the Home as you LOVE YOUR CHURCH
Young families need to remember that much is taught, but more is probably caught. The children watch and observe how we speak about the church and how we use the time that God gives us. Minister in the home as you love your church. You can actively serve your church by praying for your church. Consider the powerful ministry of gathering the kids and praying for the sick, the unemployed, the struggling, those going through trials. Consider the great opportunity of praying and thanking God for the church family in family devotions each night! Be creative!

4. Minister in the Home as you VISIBLY LIVE GODLINESS
God told Israel to impress His Words upon their hearts and then to teach them diligently to their children (Deut 6.4-9). One necessary and crucial area of ministry consists of the pursuit of holiness. And think of the benefit to the active longing for Christ, the intentional reading and prioritizing of His Word, the living out of holiness, the repentance and mortification of sin that is visibly seen in the home before watching children! They know you believe! They go with you to church. But for the children to see you live out your godliness is paramount and powerful!

5. Minister in the Home as you DISCIPLINE YOUR CHILDREN
God calls all parents to train up their children in the ways of the Lord. This must be done in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ministering to the Lord occurs even while at home and serving your children. If a man neglects his family to be frequently gone doing bigger ministry events, he has an unbalanced and unbiblical view of ministry. He needs to reprioritize his life and focus on his home first. In the shepherding of your children’s souls, you actively and regularly engage in ministry. We often tell our young children that mommy is a missionary because she is just that -- living on mission in the home as she proclaims Christ relentlessly (and, oftentimes, hourly!) to them -- even in the discipline room. Shepherd their souls, expose their sin, point them to Christ, call them to God’s grace, and remember that this vital ministry cannot be ignored. Serve God by serving at home. Serve in the needed area in your very own home.
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