Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Why I Love My Church — 10 Reasons.

I have the marvelous privilege of being called by God to devote myself to prayer and to the ministry of the Word as I serve Christ's blood bought sheep at Christ Fellowship Bible Church of St Louis.

There is no higher calling in all the world that God could have given to me. To meet with God every day in prayer and to go deep in God's Word in study fill my heart, mind and affections with God-enthralling joy every day. What a privilege to serve Him and the flock at CFBC.

I wrote this 10-part series well over 3 years ago but I find it to be just as true now as it was then when I penned the blogs. I truly do love my church. CFBC is not a perfect church. There isn't a perfect church. But it is a place of God-glorifying worship.

And also, it's not my church; it's God's church. Christ is the Head over His church. I know that. But it is the local assembly to which I'm committed with all my heart and with all my devotion. For that, I joyfully call CFBC my church.

This is an encouragement to the flock of God that I shepherd and a brief expression of love and of encouragement. Here are 10 reasons why I love Christ Fellowship Bible Church.

I love Christ Fellowship Bible Church (CFBC) because...

1. CFBC has a great love for Scripture  |  blog

2. CFBC has great love for her pastor-shepherds  |  blog

3. CFBC consists of a diverse body of believers  |  blog

4. CFBC pursues holiness & Christlikeness  |  blog

5. CFBC is a disciple-making church  |  blog

6. CFBC has a love for gospel-proclamation  |  blog

7. CFBC takes hold of God in prayer  |  blog

8. CFBC sacrificially serves one another  |  blog

9. CFBC endeavors to glorify God  |  blog

10. CFBC upholds the Headship of Jesus Christ  |  blog

Again, CFBC is not a perfect church. There isn't one out there -- till we reach heaven! However, I find great joy and comfort in the love of CFBC because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through one another (Philemon 1:7).

May God enable CFBC to excel still more (1 Thess 4:1).