Charles Spurgeon said it well:
I am persuaded that the use of a good Catechism in all our families will be a great safeguard against the increasing errors of the times, and therefore I have compiled this little manual from the Westminster Assembly's and Baptist Catechisms, for the use of my own church and congregation. Those who use it in their families or classes must labour to explain the sense; but the words should be carefully learned by heart, for they will be understood better as years pass.
And we at CFBC want to come alongside of the families — where the primary teaching and instructing of children must take place as they live home life together day after day — and allow the men of CFBC to pour biblical, solid, theological, and practical truths into the hearts of our young people.
WHEN: The catechism class will start this Sunday at 4:00PM (during the Family Bible Hour)
WHERE: We will have the children in a classroom where they can sit & listen to the teaching of God's Word.
HOW LONG: Till we finish the catechism (then we can start over again!)
WHAT CATECHISM? The CFBC catechism can be found HERE.
WHO WILL TEACH? Pastor Geoff will rotate with a number of the men of CFBC.