Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sin is the violation of an infinite obligation

“Sin is the Violation of an Infinite Obligation” —Puritan Prayer

I think that this is one of the most startling theological realities that our finite minds can meditate upon. The notion that every human being is a sinner destined for eternal judgment in hell for violating God’s holy and perfect Law proves to be a fundamental concept in the Scriptures—both OT and NT.

Taking this logic one step further, sin is not just a little “mistake” in the eyes of God. Sometimes this is how we as Christians treat our sin—with a trivial and cavalier attitude. The words: “Oh, it’s not that bad” or, “At least I didn’t do … sin” ought never to depart from the lips of a genuine Christian. The reason is this: sin is the violation of an infinite obligation. Sin—from the most heinous of murder cases to the “little white lie” or “pleasurable lust” is all sin of an infinite proportion which has violated the infinite obligation. Because we all must keep the Law perfectly to enter the Kingdom of God (Matt 5:48), then the contrary fact to this statement is that anyone who has violated even one small minutiae of the Law is worthy of an infinite punishment in hell.

Why the harshness of sin, you ask?

Simple. The violation of sin against the infinite obligation of God’s holiness demands an infinite punishment because the standard is the holiness of the One sinned against. Therefore, because God is infinitely holy and infinitely righteous and infinitely just, even one violation of that Law—no matter how small or great in our eyes—is a violation to the greatest degree because of the standard of holiness that God sets.

How great our God is that he has not left us wallowing in our sin and misery on the freeway to eternal judgment in the Lake of Fire. Rather, he has provided the only way of escape for all human beings in the person of Jesus Christ. It is true that Christ has given us reason to give and reason to rejoice because of the sufficient sacrifice and infinite forgiveness offered to those who genuinely believe upon Christ. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 9:15 “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

May you run to the cross of Calvary today where Jesus Christ laid down His life as the perfect Lamb of God who paid the sufficient sacrifice that you and I could (and will) never attain. Flee to Christ today. Repent of your sins—however great or small in your eyes. And then remember the infinite grace of God which God incessantly pours upon wretched sinners who come to Him in genuinely humility and repentance.