Friday, May 29, 2009

Relating to your pastor/shepherd

One of the wonderful aspects of being an associate pastor is that I can preach to the church on Scriptures which relate to the congregation’s submission to and respect for the pastor/elders. And this is precisely what I did this week.

I exhorted and encouraged our folks with the extremely high and weighty responsibilities that God has sovereignly placed upon the overseer of the flock. I exhorted them from Psalm 23 and went to many different Scriptures and reminded them of the pastor’s responsibility to study, to preach, to meditate, to counsel, to reprove, to rebuke, to defend, and to model—no lightweight responsibility. Yet, with the strength that God provides, He will enable every leader in the church to be an example of Christ for the flock that God has entrusted to his care.

Many folks neglect to encourage their pastor on a regular basis. All pastors need this. How amazing it would be if individuals were to write a note simply telling the pastor that he’s being prayed for, or that a specific part of the sermon proved to be particularly helpful, etc. Trust me, I know that the pastor would receive much joy from an encouraging note or letter from his sheep affirming how God is using him in the lives of his people.