Sunday, August 3, 2008

Acts 5:17-42 - God is actively involved in your life

Here is my sermon outline for today. I trust it'll be an encouraging (and convicting!) time for us all...

Job 42:1-6 Then Job replied to the LORD: 2 "I know that you can do all
things; no plan of yours can be thwarted. 3 You asked, 'Who is this that
obscures my counsel without knowledge?' Surely I spoke of things I did not
understand, things too wonderful for me to know. 4 "You said, 'Listen now,
and I will speak; I will question you, and you shall answer me.' 5 My ears
had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 6 Therefore I despise
myself and repent in dust and ashes."

Here are three encouraging truths to realize so that your joy in the Lord and your fervency to serve will increase all the more.

I. God’s Power Cannot be Rivaled (17-21a)

II. God’s Salvation Cannot be Hidden (21b-32)

What was their message?
1. Obeying God is priority (29)

2. Jesus is alive! (30a)

3. He died on a cross (30b)

4. He is at the right hand of God the Father (31a)

5. He gives repentance and forgiveness (31b)

6. The Holy Spirit lives within believers (32)

III. God’s Will Cannot be Overcome (33-42)

Concluding Application:
Ø How can you specifically give these “Words of Life” to someone this week?
Ø Think of one area where you can change to be more obedient to God just as the Apostles were.