Geoffrey R. Kirkland (Pastor, Christ Fellowship Bible Church)
As I lead my family, I regularly ponder what texts and themes to teach my children. Of course I recognize that my children won’t remember all of my points (Ha! I only wish that were the case; but I can’t even remember all my own teaching points!). But over the course of time, I do want my children to have a grasp of systematic theology, an overview of the Books of the Bible, practical Christian living, the means of grace, and the importance of knowing God and His attributes.
We recently concluded a lengthy study through the Book of Proverbs. The way that we chose to work through this book in our evening family worship times consisted of me and my children (as I called on them) reading about 10 verses each (sometimes more and sometimes less) in a chapter. Then, I would pull out 2 or 3 pertinent verses and drawn out points that specifically relate to where we are as a family or ways in which I want to teach my children. I found this to be very helpful and beneficial for us.
Having concluded that, we just began Jonah. I want to carefully work through Jonah with my kids so that I can teach on God’s mercy, the glory of grace, the duty to obey, the call of God to do things that sometimes seems odd and unnatural, the meaning of revival, understanding sinful anger, and the wickedness of prejudice and pride. I hope that God will bless these efforts in coming days as we study this together.
Then, Lord willing, we’ll transition to a gospel so I can teach through the life of Christ to my kids (again).
Be thoughtful in your teaching of your children. Be careful in planning and implementing family worship. Christ will help you as you seek to shepherd your families in the Word of God and in the ways of Truth. Don’t give up when the hard and difficult days come. Don’t grow discouraged and give up. Don’t allow a night (or a few nights) of missing due to family busy-ness prevent you from jumping back into the rhythm. Stay at it. Keep your hand to the plow. Never neglect the care of souls — especially those God has entrusted to your care in your own household. May God bless your efforts as you seek to lead and fulfill Joshua’s words in your own family: “as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!"