Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why Is It Important to Have Consistency In Family Worship?

Why is it important to have regular family worship?
Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Christ Fellowship Bible Church

I believe it’s critical. Family worship, I’m convinced, should have a central place in the regular life of every Christian household. It’s essential. Not because of who I am or who we are as parents, but because of who God is and how powerful His Word is. Family Worship is fairly simple. It involves the reading and teaching of the Bible, prayer, and singing together. It is a solid foundation for the family. It is an anchor to guard from the winds and waves of life’s storms. It proves to be the rock upon which the theological foundation of the children is built. Quite simply: our view of God (Theology proper) and our view of His Word (bibliology) will manifest itself in our frequent (or, our lack of commitment to) gatherings of family worship.

But, why is it important to have regular family worship in the home?  Here are some reasons.

1)  To prioritize the Word
The regular practice of family worship underscores the priority of the Word of God for the home. It reminds the parents and the children (and others who may be present) that this particular family centers on, revolves around, submits to, and strives to obey the Bible. Reading the Word, discussing the Word, instructing from the Word, praying the Word, and even singing songs that teach truth from the Word all reinforce the supreme authority of God’s Word.

2)  To refocus our hearts
After busy days of work, sports, school, entertainments, social media and cultural happenings, we need to be refocused daily upon the Word of God & the gospel of grace. Family worship provides the wonderful means of refocusing the hearts of the parents and the children upon the divine Truth which is unchanging, permanent, eternal, and worthy of meditation.

3)  To expose our sins
Interestingly enough, family worship provides ample opportunities for the Word of God to do the soul-searching, sin-exposing surgical work. From the youngest of days, children need to be taught that the Bible has the answers to man’s greatest problem of sin. And, with that, the Bible honestly addresses and exposes our sin, for it calls it what it is, and it provides the only solution in Christ. The Scriptures will expose sins of pride, selfishness, anger, control, impatience and disobedience. These will provide many shepherding opportunities and evangelistic conversations.

4)  To evangelize the children
Our precious children must be saved! Christian parents know this and they affirm, with God’s Word, that no one can save them but God alone. They must be born of God to be saved. They need new hearts. And God’s Spirit works in and through His Word as it goes forth. Parents, however young the children may be, must be reminded to read and teach and evangelize their children constantly, patiently, persistently, prayerfully, and specifically trusting God to work.

5)  To obey the Lord
God instructs fathers to teach His Word diligently to their children in the home and as life events happen. Training, instructing, shepherding, reproving and teaching should be regular in the Christian family. God calls His people to pray at all times. All people -- even young children -- are called upon to praise God! And, like Joshua, parents should resolve that as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. We must prioritize the worship of God in our homes!