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Showing posts from July, 2019

Answering Some Common Questions About CFBC, Part 5

Answering Some Common Questions About CFBC, Part 5 Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church  (St Louis, MO)  1. Do you believe divorce is permissible?   —   We uphold and affirm a high view of marriage as the permanent union between one man and one woman. God designed marriage to be for life. But because of men’s hardness of heart and because of sin, and though it’s never God’s intended design, God provided occasions for a marriage to end. Never does God command a divorce but he permits divorce in only two instances. The Bible speaks of only two occasions when a believer may legitimately get a divorce. It must be said, however, that the believer does not have to pursue a divorce if these instances occur, but if he does find himself in such a position, divorce may be a legitimate last-resort option. The primary goal is always the preservation of the marriage union and to pursue any and all means to remain married, as God designed it. But if this is not feasible, then G

Answering Some Common Questions About CFBC, Part 4

Answering Some Common Questions About Christ Fellowship Bible Church , Part 4  Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church (St Louis, Missouri)   1. Why do you not own your own building?  — When CFBC began in 2011 with only a few people, purchasing a building was not, of course, a feasible option. Part of the philosophy of CFBC that began early on was the desire to refrain from purchasing a building but rather to rent from another place so as to utilize the funds that God brings in for the advance of the gospel locally and globally. In other words, our personal church’s philosophy has been to not to go in debt in buying a building but to try to be wise in using the maximum amount of funds that God gives for gospel advance in global ministry opportunities. We recognize that this is not a philosophy that every church must have. Of course not! But for us, at this time, we have made it our ambition to be faithful in renting from another place and being faithful where we a

Why Is It Important to Have Consistency In Family Worship?

Why is it important to have regular family worship? Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church I believe it’s critical. Family worship, I’m convinced, should have a central place in the regular life of every Christian household. It’s essential. Not because of who I am or who we are as parents, but because of who God is and how powerful His Word is. Family Worship is fairly simple. It involves the reading and teaching of the Bible, prayer, and singing together. It is a solid foundation for the family. It is an anchor to guard from the winds and waves of life’s storms. It proves to be the rock upon which the theological foundation of the children is built. Quite simply: our view of God ( Theology proper ) and our view of His Word ( bibliology ) will manifest itself in our frequent (or, our lack of commitment to) gatherings of family worship. But, why is it important to have regular family worship in the home?  Here are some reasons. 1)  To prioritize the Word The regu

Answering Some Common Questions About CFBC, Part 3

The Christ Fellowship Bible Church leadership has provided questions and answers to some of the common questions that folks have asked. This is part 3 of the ongoing series. 11. Do you believe the Bible speaks to real-life struggles and problems?  —   The Bible is the very Word of the living God who knows human beings and can relate to their struggles. Jesus can sympathize with our weaknesses for He was tempted in all ways just as we are. The Bible provides the all-sufficient help, as the all-sufficient guide, for believers to put off sinful ways and habits of life and to replace those bad habits with godly patterns and lifestyles. With the power of prayer, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and the fellowship and accountability of the local church, a Christian can walk in a way that is pleasing to Christ. The Bible does not promise that Christians will live without pain and hardship. But the Bible does promise that when those times of pain and seasons of hardship do co

Answering Some Common Questions About CFBC, Part 2

The Christ Fellowship Bible Church leadership seeks to answer some of the common questions that folks have asked us.  ( ) This is part 2. It is continued from part 1.  6. What ministries do you have?    —  When people often ask what ministries we offer, it can often refer to what we as a church have to cater to their desires and age groups? At CFBC, we believe that the greatest ministries that we must have, biblically, are the regular preaching of the Word of God, the diligent praying with the saints of God, and the faithful shepherding by Godly leaders. We seek to define ministries not in terms of ‘programs we offer’ but in terms of ‘people to serve.’ In other words, rather than offering a ministry for the divorced, a senior-saints’ ministry, a youth ministry, a children’s ministry, a women’s ministry and the like, we endeavor to reframe the conversation around people within the flock that we can actively and intentionally serve. We are called to minister to “one

Answering Some Common Questions About CFBC, Part 1

In this blog, the Christ Fellowship Bible Church ( ) leadership seeks to answer some questions that folks have asked: Part 1 1. Why do you prefer & use the NASB translation?  —  We prefer to use the New American Standard Bible (NASB) as our preferred English translation because of the philosophy of the team of translators to present an English translation that’s true to the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, to be grammatically correct, to be understandable, and to render the terminology, concepts, word order, phrases as faithfully as possible in contemporary English. The NASB is the English translation, in contemporary English, that’s the closest and the most literal to the original Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic. Thus, we can say to our congregation: even though you may not know the original languages (Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic), the Bible you have faithfully presents a translation that is the closest to the original language in word order, terminology, grammatic