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Showing posts from June, 2018

Pillars of Promises for the Child of God

Pillars of Promises for the Child of God Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church  (St Louis, MO) In times of deep dark despair, don’t listen to yourself & your doubts; rather, speak biblical truth &  anchor your trust in God’s promises! What are some *GO TO* Promises that you can cling to?   1. Rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven (Luke 10.20) 2. Don’t be troubled; Christ prepares a place for you & will come to receive you to be with Him (John 14.1-3) 3. Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; do not let your heart be troubled; nor let it be fearful (John 14.27) 4. Whoever will call on the name of the Lord WILL be saved (Rom 10.13) 5. Having been justified by faith, we HAVE peace with God thru our Lord Jesus Christ (Rom 5.1) 6. HOPE does NOT disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts thru the Holy Spirit (Rom 5.5) 7. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are justified and saved from God’s wrath thru Christ (Ro

Specific Ways You Can Pray for Your Pastor

How To Pray For Your Pastor Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Pray for him ... 1. To have an insatiable hunger for God’s Word. 2. To feed regularly & be filled joyfully from communing with God in His Word. 3. To love his wife selflessly, sacrificially, and with a tender, servant’s heart. 4. To disciple his children in the words and works of the Lord. 5. To lead his family in regular times of family worship at home. 6. To tell, show, and prove to his wife and children that the family is his primary ministry. 7. To model what a man of God is to be like even within the confines of his home — above reproach with his eyes, his words, his attitudes, and his private life. 8. To study diligently for every single sermon. 9. To pray fervently as a man who is inseparable from his best friend. 10. To intercede for every single family (especially the husbands and fathers) in the church. 11. To train up Godly men who can help share the responsibilities and burdens of minis

The Blessed Gift & Duty of Fathers

The Blessed Gift & Duty of Godly Fathers Geoffrey R. Kirkland Godly fathers are gifts from the Lord. I thank the Lord for my father, a man of God, who early on for me modeled holiness, church involvement, integrity of character both inside and outside the home, and hard work. My father has taught me -- and still is teaching me -- much about faithfulness, endurance, perseverance, sobermindedness, and trust in the Lord. Godly fathers are blessed gifts to families and these fathers also have an unspeakably important duty from the Lord. I’ll just list four duties of godly fathers. Lead. Fathers must lead. They must lead in the home. They must lead as men who do not forcefully or authoritatively demand submission or things to be done their way. Rather, they lead as stewards; that is, as men who have been given a grace-gift and a divine-calling from God to lead by serving the people in their home (and, in every sphere of life they’re in). In fact, the best way to lead is by following.

Can One Really Be a 'Gay-Christian'?

A recent wave of writings and audios has come with a force from folks who claim to be both at the same time homosexuals and Christians. Or, to use their vernacular, "Gay-Christians." They claim to be celibate gay-Christians, in that they don't act out on their sinful desires. Writings also come from those who may be tolerant of such perspectives. Can this really be the case? Can one really be a 'Gay-Christian'?  We have worked hard to compile a series of podcasts on this topic to equip believers with the Truth of God's authoritative Word. [ We quickly realize that homosexuality, SSA, and the like is not the only or the ultimate or the unforgivable sin. The Word of God places the sin of homosexuality alongside of many other sins that condemn sinners. We are all guilty. This isn't a matter of pointing fingers at *those* people caught up in this. Rather, the point is to speak Truth to believers and to equip them with God's Word so that they can res