Friday, November 17, 2017

Geoffrey R. Kirkland
Christ Fellowship Bible Church

This is a list that provides many ways that you can pray for your local church.

  1. pray for God's glory to permeate your church
  2. pray for unity in the church
  3. pray for almighty power in the preaching of the Word
  4. pray for the administration of the ordinances -- baptism & Lord's supper
  5. pray for biblical discipline and restoration
  6. pray for repentance in the flock
  7. pray for biblical forgiveness to be lavished to one another
  8. pray for Christ-centered fellowship
  9. pray for spiritual growth and maturation
  10. pray for the conversion of the lost
  11. pray for revival in our hearts and among us
  12. pray for the suffering, persecuted, and those who are mourning
  13. pray for the church leaders -- elders/deacons
  14. pray for Christ's soon return & our readiness & waiting for him
  15. pray for submission to Christ's leaders in the church
  16. pray for a thankful spirit to reside among us
  17. pray for workers to go out in Christ's harvest and labor for souls
  18. pray for increased evangelistic efforts
  19. pray for more people to serve God as missionaries globally
  20. pray for reverence in the house of God
  21. pray for more praying in and among God's people
  22. pray for the marriages
  23. pray for the parents
  24. pray for the students
  25. pray for the singles
  26. pray for the widows
  27. pray for the afflicted
  28. pray for dependency on the Spirit of God
  29. pray for commitment to the sufficiency of the Word in all things
  30. pray for the musicians to be holy, pure and to serve without distracting
  31. pray for the nursery workers and teachers to be patient and proclaim the gospel
  32. pray for the true conversions of our youth
  33. pray for fathers to lead in family worship at home with the children
  34. pray for the flock to sacrificially practice the 'one anothers'
  35. pray for generous, financial giving as a worshipful act in the church
  36. pray for spiritual strength and protection from the evil one and his schemes
  37. pray for the catechizing of our young people resulting in their conversions
  38. pray for the exaltation of God's Word and Christ's gospel in your church
  39. pray for the next generation that rises up to cling to Christ & follow Him
  40. pray for those without work and in need of employment
  41. pray for those who strive with wayward, unbelieving, godless children
  42. pray for a greater longing for heaven
  43. pray for a greater understanding of hell that would prompt urgent evangelism
  44. pray for the Lord's soon coming to catch-up believers and take us to heaven
  45. pray for enough suffering and hardship to keep us humble and dependent
  46. pray for sexual purity among all of God's people at the church
  47. pray for God's people to mortify sin quickly, decisively, violently & willingly
  48. pray for increased love for Christ and an increased ravishing by His love
  49. pray for more exposure to the gospel and more love for this message of redemption
  50. pray for more filling and power of the Holy Spirit in and among God's people
  51. pray for the Spirit to quicken souls during the preaching of God's Word
  52. pray for believers to biblically counsel one another with God's sufficient Word
  53. pray for the marriages of your elders to be strong, healthy, pure, and priority.
  54. pray for God's people to wrestle with God in fervent prayer daily
  55. pray for God to use the open-air proclamation of the gospel to quicken dead souls to life
  56. pray for the Word to go forth without distraction and pray for earnest focus during corporate worship
  57. pray for God’s people to all prepare diligently ahead of time for corporate worship and to be ready to worship God
  58. pray for intimacy, power, fellowship, and rejuvenation to come from the corporate prayer meeting of the church
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