Monday, December 1, 2014

The Book of Revelation | 4PM Family Bible Hour Sermon Series

Beginning Sunday, December 7th, Christ Fellowship Bible Church will launch a verse-by-verse expositional preaching series through the Book of Revelation.

This study will help you understand the glory of Christ & His triumphant victory over the forces of evil.

CFBC takes a futuristic premillennial position regarding the hermeneutic (='how to interpret') the book.

Revelation 1:19 provides its own outline of the book:
Revelation 1:19 – "Therefore write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after these things.

Christ tells the Apostle John to write the things...
1. Which you have seen (PAST) — chapter 1
2. Which are (PRESENT) — chapters 2-3
3. Which will take place after these things (FUTURE) — chapters 4-22

Join us at 4:00PM every Sunday at CFBC. Or, if you can't join us, the sermons will be online at the media page.