At Christ Fellowship Bible Church (St. Louis, Missouri), we have been teaching through the CFBC Distinctives during the Family Bible Hour (at 4pm on Sundays).
Here is what the men have taught through thus far:
Expository Preaching — audio | handout
Expository Listening — audio | handout
Discipleship — audio | handout
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- Cultivating a Godly Marriage Part 7: "Your Persona...
- Cultivating a Godly Marriage Part 6: "The Mystery,...
- Cultivating a Godly Marriage Part 5: "The Goal of ...
- Cultivating a Godly Marriage Part 4: "The couple c...
- Cultivating a Godly Marriage Part 3: "The Wife Sub...
- Cultivating a Godly Marriage Part 2: "The Husband ...
- Cultivating a Godly Marriage Part 1: "The Meaning ...
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