Monday, April 7, 2014

Hermeneutics — Interpret the Bible Rightly | a 12-part course at cfbc

Here is the 12-part series on Hermeneutics: the art and science of rightly interpreting the Bible. This was recently taught at Christ Fellowship Bible Church (in St Louis, Missouri).

1. Part 1: Hermeneutics: how to interpret the Bible | download
2. Part 2: Hermeneutics: the power & purpose of God's Word | download
3. Part 3: Hermeneutics: truths about the Bible and defining important terms | download
4. Part 4: Hermeneutics: observing the text | download
5. Part 5: Hermeneutics: interpreting the text, interpret normally and contextually | download
6. Part 6: Hermeneutics: interpret in view of culture, history, and literary genre | download
7. Part 7: Hermeneutics: understanding the analogy of Scripture | download
8. Part 8: Hermeneutics: interpreting parables and proverbs | download
9. Part 9: Hermeneutics: interpreting poetry and figures of speech | download
10. Part 10: Hermeneutics: interpreting symbols and types | download
11. Part 11: Hermeneutics: interpreting prophecy and the use of the Old Testament in the New | download
12. Part 12: Hermeneutics: applying the text | download

The goal of this 12-part study is simple: to equip God's people who are indwelt by the Holy Spirit to glory God & enjoy Christ's gospel by rightly interpreting the Word of God so as to understand the authorial intent of the text and then to apply it to life so as to produce conformity to Christ.

Note: all the pdf handouts for each individual session can be found at the media page here.