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Showing posts from February, 2014

A Description of the Believer's Entrance into Heaven

From Isaac Ambrose (1600's): Christ welcomes them into his glorious presence . If the father could receive his prodigal but repenting son with hugs and kisses, how will Christ now receive His saints, when they come as a bride to the solemnization of the marriage? His very heart springs (as I may say) at the sight of His Bride! No sooner [does] He see her and salute her, but He welcomes her with such words as these: “O my love, my dove, my fair one—come now and enjoy thy Husband! Many a thought I have had of thee: before I made the world, I spent my infinite eternal thoughts on thy salvation. When the world began, I gave thee a promise that I would betroth thee unto me in righteousness, in judgment, in loving kindness, in mercy, and in faithfulness (Hos 2:19-20).  [For thy sake I] was incarnate, lived, died, rose again, and ascended. And since My ascension, [I] have been interceding for thee and making ready the bride-chamber, where thou and I must live forever

Saving Faith | An Illustration by Spurgeon

I bet when Spurgeon preached this, the people sat on the edge of their seats (with even a few laughs throughout)... Faith is something like this. There is a story told of a captain of a man-of-war, whose son—a young lad—was very fond of running up the rigging of the ship; and one time, running after a monkey, he ran up the mast, till at last he got on to the maintruck. Now, the maintruck, you are aware, is like a large round table put on to the mast, so that when the boy was on the maintruck there was plenty of room for him; but the difficulty was—to use the best explanation I can—that he could not reach the mast that was under the table; he was not tall enough to get down from this maintruck, reach the mast, and so descend. There he was on the maintruck; he managed to get up there, somehow or other, but down he never could get. His father saw that, and he looked up in horror; what was he to do? In a few moments his son would fall down, and be dashed to pieces!  He was clinging to

How to glorify God (learning from Psalm 66)

How To Glorify God Learning from Psalm 66 Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Psalm 66:2 tells God’s people to “sing the glory of His Name” and to “make His praise glorious.” So how does one glorify God? What can this psalm teach as far as “glorifying God”? I would like to look at Psalm 66 and provide 10 ways that believers can glorify God. 1. Loud and Triumphant Jubilation in God. The opening verses of the psalm demand loud shouts and triumphant trumpet blasts extolling God. The command extends to all the earth beckoning all to loudly worship God. 2. Singing and Rejoicing in the Great Worth of God’s Name. All must sing the glory of God’s Name. God’s Name is manifested in His character, in His person, in His deeds, in His ways and works. The psalm pleads for perpetual praise of God’s honor! 3. Longing for the Day when Every Knee Will Bow Before Him. The Bible prophesies that every knee will bow before God (Isa 45:23; Phil 2:10) and that every tongue will confess Jes