Wednesday, July 20, 2011

the difference between hell and sin.

The difference between hell and sin.

God made hell. God did not make sin. Sin is the devil’s creature. Remember just how vile and wicked sin is. Every sin is shameful and reproaches the name of God. From the lest of the sins, to the most hidden of all sins, to the most inconsequential of sins, to the most common of all sins, and to the most culturally acceptable of all sins, let us remember that sin is falling short of God’s glory. The devil is the father of sin.

Yet remember that God made and created hell. God owns hell. God is present in hell to personally crush those who disbelieve in Jesus Christ. Remember, the torments of hell are only a burden to the sinner, not to God.

God made hell. The torments of hell are only a burden to the sinner but sin is a burden to God.

Let us remind ourselves as believers to be holy men and women in all we do. Let us hate our sin and strive to mortify it with everything we’ve got.

Recall what a Christian of old once said: Sin is the most hateful thing—for it is worse than the torments of Hell.

Yes, my readers, sin is serious.