Friday, February 25, 2011

Some lessons I learned while in class these last two weeks.

Some Lessons Learned in Class
By: Geoffrey R. Kirkland

These last two weeks I’ve had the distinct privilege of studying under Godly men and studying alongside of Godly men. God taught me a few lessons in class during this time.

1) Never underestimate the power of biblically-masculine fellowship.

When Godly men come together who have a like-minded desire to glorify Christ and know His Word better, the conversations are sweet, the fun is pure, and the edification is uplifting. There is a reason that God intends for the local church to have men—biblically qualified men—in leadership positions.

2) Seize the opportunity to find another man to hold you accountable.

If there is another man that God brings into your life who can hold you accountable (and on the flip side, you can hold him accountable) it is of great value and spiritual worth. To have a man ask me every night if I was able to get everything accomplished that I intended to get accomplished that day is just a marvelous—and motivational!—thing. God is good.

3) Listen well when others present; there are often times when you learn something you didn’t know before.

This almost does not need to even be stated. But, when others present in class, they have done research to a depth that you, perhaps, may not have had the privilege to reach. With humble minds and with teachable hearts listen to what the presenter has to say. He often has keen insights into passages, theology, syntax, grammar, or church-life that may prove to be helpful for you.

4) Take a professor out for lunch and ask him about his life, his marriage, and his involvement in the local Church; then let that stir your own heart for further and deeper involvement.

To have the honored privilege of taking a professor out to lunch and to be able to ask him questions about life, ministry, preaching, and dissertations (!) is something that we should not make light of. God has provided me with men who have been in the ministry longer than I’ve been alive. God is teaching me that I can learn great things not just about theology or Greek grammar but about loving my wife and preaching to a Sunday school class or being disciplined in my dissertation research. Praise God for lessons like these.

5) Don’t forget to spend time on your own, outside of class, and unrushed by deadlines, to read the Scriptures on your own. Let it be “food for your soul.”

One of the greatest joys I had these last two weeks was the time I had to spend just reading God’s Word. I was able to read through parts of the Gospel of John, Revelation, 1 Thessalonians, Lamentations, Jeremiah, and Habakkuk outside of class. God taught me great things during these sweet times of fellowship with Him. I would not trade them for anything. God so often speaks to us through His word in times when we come to His Word expecting great things from God when we engage with Him. The problem is that so often we consciously or unconsciously forget that God does speak through His ever-living and eternally-powerfully Word. So read it!

Read my brief article in pdf here.