Thursday, October 14, 2010

are you suffering? if so, you're in good company.

From the marvelous note from grace gems today:

In each season of affliction, to whom can we more appropriately look--than to Jesus? He was preeminently the man of sorrows--and acquainted with grief.

If you would tell your grief to one who knew grief as none ever knew it;
if you would weep upon the bosom of one who wept as none ever wept;
if you would disclose your sorrow to one who sorrowed as none ever sorrowed;
if you would bare your wound to one who was wounded as none ever was wounded
--then, in your affliction, turn from all creature sympathy and succor, and look to Jesus! You could not take . . .
your trial,
your affliction,
and your sorrow . . .
to a kinder nature,
to a tenderer bosom,
to a deeper love,
to a more powerful arm,
to a more sympathizing friend!
Go and breathe your sorrows into His heart--and He will comfort you!

Blessed sorrow if, in the time of your bereavement, your grief, and your solitude--you are led to Jesus, making Him your Savior, your Friend, your Counselor and your Shield.

Blessed loss, if it is compensated by a knowledge of God, if you find in Him a Father now, to whom you will transfer your ardent affections, upon whom you will repose your bleeding heart, and in whom you will trust.