Monday, June 21, 2010

A friend is FINALLY HOME.

This week we've been celebrating the spiritual homegoing of an elder in our church to be with the LORD forever. He and his wife were one of the young couples in our church with whom Elizabeth and I spent much time together.

Today is Tyson's funeral service and though the last few days have demanded that I spend many hours on USAirways it is all worth it.

The greatest joy about this situation is that Tyson is now in heaven because He has believed in the only way of salvation, namely, Jesus Christ and His sacrificial and substitutionary death on the cross for his sins.

Moreover, it serves as a fitting reminder that my life is short. Tyson was 28 years old. I'm 27. What a sobering—yet needed!—reminder that God is totally sovereign over life and death, over heaven and hell, over the elect and over the non-elect, and over heaven and earth. For this, I praise God reverently and joyfully.

Life is short. Heaven is long. Life is short. Hell is long. Reader, have you confessed your sins, fallen at the mercy of the Almighty God and begged Him for forgiveness and have you put your saving faith and all your trust in the shed blood of Jesus Christ who died on the cross for sinners? If not, do so today. You may not have a tomorrow.

This song by ENFIELD provides a fitting reminder that for believers in Jesus Christ who die the appropriate song to be proclaimed is: 'WE ARE FINALLY HOME.'