Sunday, April 25, 2010

Will You Be Judged at the Great White Throne Judgment? Everyone Standing at This Judgment Will Be Damned.

Last night I preached one of the hardest sermons a preacher could ever teach. It wasn't hard because there were so many varying interpretations but it's hard because it such an unpopular message nowadays to proclaim. That message is on the Great White Throne judgment. I titled it: "Will your works damn you at the Great White Throne Judgment?"

I believe that this judgment is for non-believers only and that no believers will be at this judgment (Rom 8:1; John 3:18, 36). Nevertheless, this is one of the scariest portions of Scripture because there is no hope for the lost at this time. There is no second chance. The eternal Lake of Fire is the inevitable and sure outcome of this judgment for all who stand before the bar of God and are carefully scrutinized according to their every work to see if they can enter eternal bliss.

I preached this last night at a Rehab center and opened with a 10 minute anecdote on a man who died and was judged and condemned at the Great White Throne judgment. This story arrested everyone's attention. I urge you to listen and do what the Apostle Paul says: "Test Yourself to see if you're in the faith" (2 Cor 13:5).

Listen here.