Friday, December 21, 2007

Musings on a Friday Evening

Over the past few days I have been reminded of God’s goodness to me. This is such a simple concept yet with such profound innumerable implications. No doubt God has had his hand upon my wife and me as we have traveled cross country and been in cities which were unintentionally entered because of flight cancellations and reschedulings. I am delighted that I serve a God who has all things under control. I am overwhelmed that I can submit to a God who is ne’er surprised by any circumstance which takes me off guard. I am thankful to God who has given to me His Word.

I have been preparing for a sermon this upcoming Sunday from one of the most Christological passages in the Bible, Colossians 1:15-20. I have been overwhelmed by the supremacy of my Savior. I have been enthralled at the all sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice for me. I have been ecstatic in yet another reminder of seeing my Savior face to face one day (soon, Lord willing!). I have been overjoyed by the sufficient and reconciliatory sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the preeminent God-Man for me. I am thankful that I have not been redeemed by some other fallible being. I am amazed that I have not been justified by the work of a created being. No! Rather, I have been redeemed, bought, owned, sealed, justified, blessed, adopted, declared righteous and made positionally holy by the finished work of the all-sufficient, wholly eternal and authoritative Head, Jesus Christ. This excites me.

Why would I want to acquiesce to some other savior? Why would I want to imitate another deity? Why would I want to rejoice in some other god? I would be damned if these were true.

But praise God I have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, by Him who has reconciled all things to Himself, making peace through the blood of his cross (Col 1:14, 20).

My God is the King. Yes, that’s my God. My God is ne’er surprised. Yes, that’s my God. My God is wholly sufficient to save me from my sins. No other savior can claim this fact. But mine can. My God is in control. My God has chosen me to be His own treasured possession even before there was a spot of dust upon the young earth. Why? Because of anything good He found in me? God forbid. Rather, God chose me out of sheer grace.

And for this I am overjoyed by my God’s sufficiency and supremacy.

Your pastor and friend,

Geoffrey R. Kirkland