Monday, September 10, 2007

Case for Expository Preaching

Dr. Bryan Chapell is interviewed giving "The Truth About Expository Preaching." It is a great interview and one that is a MUST READ.

In this interview at, Chapell defined expository preaching, talks about the 3am rule, and really, sums up his book Christ Centered Preaching in just a few short paragraphs.

This is a good reminder for those of us who are committed to sound and accurate exposional preaching. Here is a clip to wet your appetite:
An expositor is solemnly bound to say what God says. In an expository
message we relate precisely what a text of Scripture says. A more technical
explanation—an old one that I hold to—is that an expository message gets its
main points and its sub-points directly from the text.
A textual message gets
its main points from the text but its developmental components elsewhere. A
topical message gets only its topic from the text and could be developed
according to the nature of the topics rather than the text. An expository
message, however, says what the text says and gets all its developmental
features from the text as well.