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We Are Complete and Utter Fools - For Good Cause

I was soberly and humbly reminded last night of the truth - which I read this morning in my devotions - that the "word of the cross, to those who are perishing, is foolishness, but to those who are being saved, it is the power of God...We preach Christ crucified, to the Jews, on the one hand, a stumbling block, but to the Greeks, on the other hand, foolishness. But to the called, both Jew and Greek, [we preach] Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God" (1 Cor. 1:18, 23-24).

How true is it that every single person who rejects the Gospel is in essence calling the gospel a "foolish scheme." But yet let me be reminded: salvation is all of God. I play NO part in it. In fact, the only part that I ever played in my salvation were the running away from God as fast as I could run because of my sin nature and inherent rebellion.

Paul says so clearly the word of the cross is absolute foolishness to those who are perishing. This is ho logos tou stourou and it is more than the simple "thought" or "word spoken" of the cross. The idea that Paul has here is the Gospel message as a whole (cf. 1:17 in the context for this support of Paul preaching the "Gospel"). To those who are eternally perishing at this point and not regenerate, this gospel message is absolute folly. But on the other hand, Paul clearly contrasts this with the next phrase, "but to those who are being saved, to us it [the Gospel presentation] is the power of God."

What else could it be? If it weren't the power of god, then no flesh would be saved because it is folly to every sinful human being. The Gospel of God comes with such monumenous force and power that when it effectually calls an individual, there is no possible way an individual can resist or reject that call.

The Gospel is foolish. You try and come up with a more radical, a more foolish, a more rejected, a more hated message than that of the cross and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and you will always come up short. Only the infinite wisdom of God could ever Sovereignty ordain something such as this.

Paul concludes the chapter with an amazing thought, ex autou de humeis este en christo iesou, which literally is translated, "but out of his doing, you are in Christ Jesus." We must NOT ever become conceited to the slightest degree in thinking that we are good, and that we have played even a small or minute role in our conversion.

Salvation is all of God, all from God, and all to God (cf. Rom 11:36-37). We must exclaim with the Apostle John and those who are in heaven who were slain during the Tribulation in John's eschatological vision crying out, "Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb" (Rev 7:10).

May it never be forgotten. We must do one thing - preach this "word of the cross;" in both doctrine and in our duty. We must proclaim and herald the truth and we must also live and be conformed to the truth. God is glorified to save sinners who thought that the message was utter folly, yet who have come to know, believe, love, treasure, and revel in the absolute joy that it is to be a saved son or daughter in the family of God.

May God be forever blessed. Until we see Him face to face, may we be those who are His ambassadors, preaching this foolish gospel to a lost and dying world. May we have such a hunger, passion, zeal and fervor to not ever pass up one opportunity to save a person's soul from eternal hell. God help us.

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