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Showing posts from September, 2024

Sermon Application Questions (Some Examples for Self & for Others)

HELPS FOR AFTER THE SERMON: QUESTIONS TO ASK OTHERS AND TO ASK YOURSELF Here are some helps for *after* the sermon.  How can you hear the Word and exit with profitableness?  Here are some pastoral helps and ideas to exit with intentionality, focus, deliberateness, sermon-application for your own heart and for others.  1. QUESTIONS to ask others (how do we talk with others?) #1) how did that sermon challenge you? #2) what do you need to change in your life because of that sermon? #3) what did you learn from that text? #4) how did God instruct your heart about His own character? #5) what did God show you about yourself in this sermon/text? #6) what did God show you about Christ & the gospel tonight? 
 Thomas Gouge admonished, “Had you ever tasted of the sweetness of this duty of Divine Meditation, you would finde little time for vain talk, and idle discourses, especially upon the Lords day.” And: 2. QUESTIONS to ask myself after I hear a sermon Questions to ask yourself after you