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Showing posts from August, 2015

The New Birth: The Doctrine of Regeneration [eBook]

The New Birth: the doctrine of regeneration [ eBook ] . 23 articles.  Download the eBook. The articles include: the meaning of the new birth the necessity of the new birth the impossibility of the new birth the glory of the new birth the sovereignty of the new birth the irresistibility of the new birth the cleansing of the new birth the availability of the new birth the need for the new birth the individuality of the new birth the humility of the new birth the producer of the new birth the miracle of the new birth the finality of the new birth the promise of the new birth the timing of the new birth the receiving of the new birth the transformation from the new birth the assurance from the new birth the proclamation of the new birth the preaching of the new birth the confidence in the new birth the doxology from the new birth One excerpt: "Perhaps the greatest act that brings glory to God is when a deadened sinner, hostile to God, a vile worm,

I urge you ... a nearer communion with Christ!

"I urge you, Madam, a nearer communion with Christ, and a growing communion. There are curtains to be opened in Christ that we have never seen before, and new layers of love in Him. I despair that I will ever make it to the far end of that love, there are so many layers in it. Therefore dig deep, and sweat, and labour. Take pains for Him, and set aside as much time as you can in each day for Him. Christ will be won with labour." — Samuel Rutherford   (a letter to Lady Kenmure, 1637).

The TRANSFORMATION from the New Birth.

This is part 18 of the ongoing blog-series on the New Birth.   The TRANSFORMATION from the New Birth Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church As God performs the work of the new birth in the soul of a man, that sinner never remains the same. In fact, that sinner, from that moment on, is eternally changed. When God works in a man he transforms that man. When God grants the new birth he changes the way of life. He is a newly transformed man — entirely. Or, to use Paul’s words: “he is a new creation” (2 Cor 5:17). In speaking of the results of the new birth, I want to show how regeneration transforms a person. In a sense, this discussion on the transformation speaks of the sanctification process rather than the monergistic regeneration act of God. Nevertheless, the two always go together. When God regenerates a person, that inevitably leads to transformation, or, what we may call sanctification. 1) An INTERNAL transformation. Just as a surgery takes place on the inside

A Pastor's Priority: "The Flock of God Needs My Personal Holiness"

A Pastor’s Priority: “The Flock of God Needs My Personal Holiness” Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Robert Murray M’Cheyne once said: "The greatest need of my people is my personal holiness.” This axiom must redound in the shepherd’s heart continually. Many pursuits plague pastors today and busy them to such a degree that many shepherds have forgotten to keep the main thing the main thing. And O how easily business can distract us; even being busy with good matters! Yet the flock of God, more than anything else, needs my personal holiness. Dear man of God and leader who serves Christ’s flock, you must remember: the flock needs your personal holiness! 1) The priority of holiness. Dear man of God: make the pursuit of holiness the driving ambition of your life. Don’t let anything deter you, distract you, sway you, or discourage you away from the primary goal of God’s election of you: holiness! O strive to be like Christ! Emulate Him! Seek Him. Commune w

The RECEIVING of the New Birth.

This is the next part in the ongoing series on The New Birth.   The RECEIVING of the New Birth Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church How does a dead sinner receive this new birth? How does it come to the depraved soul? How does a person gain new life? In seeking to understand how the new birth is received, I will mention a few thoughts. 1) Personal. God gives the new birth to individuals that He has sovereignly elected. He does not save people generally; he regenerates individuals personally. The new birth is something that happens to me. It is a very personal, individual, God-given, sovereign, and glorious work to a soul. 2) Powerful. The new birth that comes from God is irresistibly powerful. It cannot be thwarted, resisted, rejected, or despised. Regeneration is God’s working. Regeneration must be received like this. If not, no soul would ever be saved for no sinner, engulfed in sin and living in darkness, would ever want Christ, seek after Him, and run to H

The PROMISE of the New Birth.

This is the next blog in the ongoing series on the New Birth.   The PROMISE of the New Birth Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church In the discourse that the Lord Jesus had with Nicodemus, the topic of the new birth permeated the entire discussion. Nicodemus was not reborn and Jesus told Him that he must receive the new birth in order to see the kingdom of God (John 3:3). The new birth — a sovereign working of God, by His initiative, by His power, and for His glory — comes from God and comes to sinners! Only God can grant the new birth. Salvation is a monergistic act. God, and God alone, accomplishes all of the rebirth. None can help, contribute to, aid, or supplement the working of God in the soul of a man. There are some promises that exist in the discussion on the new birth. This essay will elaborate on a few of the promises of the new birth. 1) The PRESENTED promise. When Jesus spoke with Nicodemus, the teacher of Israel (John 3:10a) and one who knew the Hebre