The New Birth: the doctrine of regeneration [ eBook ] . 23 articles. Download the eBook. The articles include: the meaning of the new birth the necessity of the new birth the impossibility of the new birth the glory of the new birth the sovereignty of the new birth the irresistibility of the new birth the cleansing of the new birth the availability of the new birth the need for the new birth the individuality of the new birth the humility of the new birth the producer of the new birth the miracle of the new birth the finality of the new birth the promise of the new birth the timing of the new birth the receiving of the new birth the transformation from the new birth the assurance from the new birth the proclamation of the new birth the preaching of the new birth the confidence in the new birth the doxology from the new birth One excerpt: "Perhaps the greatest act that brings glory to God is when a deadened sinner, hostile to God, a vile worm,