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Showing posts from March, 2015

Older Men -- We Younger Men Need You!

Older Men, We Younger Men Need You! Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Pity the church that has droves of young, hip, trendy dudes and few gray-haired men of wisdom who have been around for a handful of decades. Young men desperately need older men. Just say it: being old isn’t bad. Older people have wisdom from experience. Older men who have walked with God for longer than most young men have even been alive know what God’s faithfulness is all about and how God’s faithfulness really, actively, gloriously proves itself even in the toughest of trials. Some old men have lost their wives of 50+ years. And they know God is faithful. Others have lost children, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren. And the indomitable confidence in the good sovereignty of God gladdens their souls. Far from being grumpy old men and crusty old complainers, they are strong, gentle, humble, and courageous men who stand on Christ and His Word. With that, older men, we younger men need yo

A Method for Discipling

A Method for Discipling Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church A helpful Scripture that provides a guide for a ‘method for discipleship’ comes from Deuteronomy 6:4-9. This method for discipleship is quite simple. It is easy to memorize and every Christian can do it! Here are four helpful aspects to this method for discipleship. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 — "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  "These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead.  "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. 1. KNOW! Discipleship begins with your own con

6 Attributes of Scripture to Guide You into a Theologically Robust Bibliology

SIX ATTRIBUTES OF SCRIPTURE TO GUIDE THE CHILD OF GOD INTO A THEOLOGICALLY ROBUST BIBLIOLOGY. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Scripture testifies about itself that it is God’s Word. It does not merely contain God’s truth nor does it just speak about God’s truth. Every word comes from the mouth of God and thus every word of Scripture is holy, perfect and true. To elaborate more on these truths, this essay will provide six attributes of Scripture to guide the child of God into a theologically robust bibliology [=doctrine of the Bible]. 1. INSPIRED Scripture constantly speaks of itself as the Word of the Lord or the Word of God. This means that it is God’s Word. It is the Word that has God as its source. Thus, the Word comes from God and thus it is God breathing His perfect breath so that every word of all of Scripture is exactly and fully what God desires. Every single word in the original autographs [=manuscripts] are perfectly God-breathed truth. He did not breath

Ministers of God: Be Serious! Don't Trifle! Labor on with All Your Might!

Great words from David Bostwick as he addresses ministers of the gospel... "O! Why do not these important realities swallow up our whole attention? Why do not we make more haste in plucking sinners as brands from everlasting burning? Why do not we pray more fervently, and preach more zealously, and lay out our whole life, and soul, and strength in this great work? What! is the interest and happiness of deathless immortal souls worth no more pains? Can we do no more for the honour and interest of our glorious Master than this comes too? -- Shall the men of this world be more painful and industrious in seeking themselves, than we in seeking the glory of Christ, and the salvation of souls?  God forbid!   We are on matters of life and death, we pray, and preach, and labour for eternity; sure it becomes us then to do it with all our might. Shall we not be solemn and serious, when so near that state and place where all are serious?  Believe it, Sirs, there is no trifling in the eterna

Corporate Worship!

CORPORATE WORSHIP Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church In his abounding grace, God has given His blood-bought sons and daughters one predominant glimpse and purview of heaven, the corporate gathering of true Christians on a regular basis. Heaven is the world where believers will forever live together worshiping God, praising God, serving God, fellowshipping with one another, and abounding with joy! Corporate worship here on earth should reflect, albeit in a small way, these joys that all believers will fully realize in glory! To accomplish this, a handful of elements should describe the weekly corporate worship gatherings in a local church. 1. BIBLE-SATURATED Every local church gathering should be guided by and saturated with the Bible. The Scripture must govern all that takes place in the local assembly. All that occurs in the local church should radiate from the Scriptures and should directly tie in to the Word of God. The Word of God should permeate the sermon, the

Worship God!

Worship God. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church David commands the people of God to worship the LORD with reverence (Ps 2.11) and all God’s people are summoned to worship at His footstool (Ps 132.7). The heavenly worshipers fall down before the throne and worship God who lives forever and ever (Rev 4.10) exclaim His worthiness to receive glory, honor and power (Rev 4.11). God must be worshiped! He will be worshiped! In this brief essay, some brief phrases elaborating on worship will be expounded. 1. God deserves worship! None is so worthy to receive worship than infinite Creator of the universe and the Almighty King over every moment. God created time and yet works within time. He made all things and has sovereign authority over all His creation. He knows everything and indeed nothing can be hidden from His omniscient, watchful, perfect, scrutinizing eye. He made all and he shows mercy to all! He created and He calls! He predestined and He pardons sinners. He crafted

Because of the Nearness of the End...

Because of the Nearness of the End... Living in light of the imminent return of Jesus Christ for His people. Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Time is short! The judge is at the door! Christ said that He comes quickly! The Lord is near! Let everyone who has an ear listen! Time is running out! The day of reckoning and the day of divine disaster quickly dawns. Let men and women care for their souls enough to consider eternity, examine their souls, and trust in Christ for their eternal welfare! Because of the nearness of the end, God’s people must live in light of the imminent — any moment — return of Jesus Christ for His people. 1. Be preaching! Because Christ could return at any moment, God’s men must lift up the voice with urgency, with immediacy, with courage, and with boldness! God’s men must preach with lionlike boldness and with Christlike truthfulness and plead with sinners to repent of sin and trust in Christ! This is the only message that saves! Supernatural